Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Steve - 7.5

The speed workout today was 400 with 100m recovery, then 1600, 1200, 800, 400 (with 400 recovery before each), and then a 300 with only 100m recovery. It was really hot tonight and for some stupid reason I wore long tights instead of shorter compression shirts. It was literally 80 degrees at about 6:30 when we got started. I decided I would take it easy and not kill myself on my intervals like last week. I just let it flow and tried to run even splits and speed up a hair on the intervals as they got shorter. Oh, and I convinced two other guys to run an 800 after we walked a lap after the 300. I told them I wanted to run at 6:50 mile pace. So one guy took the lead and paced it. We hit 200 at about 45 and then crossed 400 at 92. Way faster than 6:50 mile pace. That's real close to 6:00 pace. I felt pretty good though after we closed with a 95. The reason for doing the extra 800 was I was feeling good and figured running at that pace for another 800 meters would be fun, and it was. Definitely felt better than last week. (I have a goal of shattering my previous best in the 800 of 2:07 at some point. I think if I ran my hardest right now in an 800, I would run about 2:25, maybe a bit faster). Anyway, we went to Chipotle afterwards and I demolished a burrito but was still hungry. Guess I burned a few calories tonight....


400 99
1600 6:49 (1:42, 1:42, 1:43, 1:42)
1200 5:01(1:43, 1:40, 1:38)
800 3:12(1:35, 1:37)
400 1:36
300 55.37
800 3:08 (93, 95)
Total of 3.19 miles of speed work. About 7.5 miles in total. I didn't warm up as much because it was so damn hot and my ridiculous tights made it feel like I was running on the Sun.


  1. Mmmm, burrito.

    5000m of speed work is pretty common. 5k of speed one day, a few miles of tempo one day, a 10-miler+ one day, and fill the rest of the week in with easy mileage...that's the bread and butter of a competitive runner.

  2. I love Chipotle. We have a few here but they are called Barburrito, because nobody here knows a bloody thing about Mexico. Until the latest "dirty foreigner" pandemic strikes that is.
