Friday, February 26, 2010

Luke - 6.75

6.75mi, 49:56 (7:23)
22min w/u, 9x400 in sets of 3, 200 between reps, 400 between sets, 4min c/d. 70,76,75/75,72,75/73,78,73.
My left groin was kinda hurting since a few days ago, and after today's workout it's really hurting. I'm hoping after taking it easy tomorrow it will be fine.


  1. Woh, hope you don't have what I have. I think I have the dreaded "sports hernia".

  2. hey grammar question for you Luke. is it "non-fiction biography" or "non-fictional biography"? let me know what you think..

  3. Well a biography is nonfiction by default so I would normally just say "biography"...but if you gotta use one, either word is correct usage-wise, but some people don't really like the word "fictional" so I would personally go with "non-fiction".
