Sunday, April 22, 2012

Steve - 9.35

72:05 (7:43) Ran with Nike. We did a daunting set of stairs about 2 miles in as is the usual custom on Sundays now. I managed to do two steps per stride all the way up although it got really tough. Good solid run. Body a little beat up. Planning on a bike ride and a challenging 5 mile hill climb on Monday then back to the track on Tuesday. Not sure how I feel about the new Blogger. Probably just need a week or so to get used to it.


  1. I have found the new blogger to be nothing but annoying as hell. Just a second ago I was in a different view of our blog and wanted to throw the computer across the room because I couldn't figure out how to post a freaking comment. So dumb.

  2. The question is: was it the very comment you posted here?
