Ribbon Trail to triple-looped Relentless Hills. Never done three loops of this before; it's beastly. My legs are now torched. My three loops were 25:49, 26:19, and 25:59.
I still don't know the length of this run. I looked back through the archives to see what I usually call Relentless Hills, and sometimes it's 7.25, and sometimes 7.75, and if I take Ribbon Trail to get there it's either 7.75, 8, or 8.25. So this 13.25-mile estimate is pretty conservative...anyway the pace is not indicative of the run; if this effort were on flat/solid ground the pace would be somewhere around 7:15.
And there we were thinking you were a notoriously accurate measurer of all things running. This reminds me of discrepencies in gaming canon, where facts or storylines don't line up throughout a series' history. I find things like that cool. It probably helps that Relentless Hills and Ribbon Trail sound like Sonic the Hedgehog levels (and was there ever a more fitting computer game character for Luke).