Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Jeeni - 3

26.36- 8:33 pace.
Went on a run after work and since I got home late, tried to run a bit faster to make it to Chris' work by 5:10. Ended up being my quickest run this month..and of course I finally ran under 9's when I wasn't with Chris :)
Also, Luke could you please email me the link so that I can get set up to be able to post? I know I can only comment currently. My gmail is Thanks!


  1. Hi Jeeni! I made room on the side for your bio so you should definitely feel free to put whatever you want there :)

  2. I also found that Chris slowed me down the one time I ran with him.

    1. James! That is wildly inappropriate.

    2. Haha, yeah I was huffing and puffing until you made us take a 5 minute break at the turn around point =P
