Thursday, March 14, 2013

Luke - 5.9

5.9mi, 40:43 (6:54)
1.5-mile loop of Pre's Trail in 11:00.
On Saturday's run apparently I got some poison oak exposure, and it ate me up.  At some point before the rash appeared (splotchy on like half my body) I must have scratched it and then rubbed my eye, because by Monday morning that was swollen almost shut.  Got to the doctor fairly expediently and got some Prednisone, so I'm almost all healed now.  Today's run I felt out of shape, but I pushed the pace a little because I feel like that helps me get back in it when I've had to take a few days off.  Hopefully the four days in absentia don't disrupt my training too much, it's just annoying to have this happen right when I was getting in the groove.

1 comment:

  1. One perk I guess of my runs is I never worry about poison oak.
