Saturday, July 31, 2010

Luke - 10

10mi, 73:54 (7:23)
1.6-mile loop in 11:50, 1.4-mile loop in 10:01, 2 miles barefoot in the grass.
If you feel like wasting 10½ minutes of your life, there's a video of my race here. I'm wearing dark blue shorts and a light gray t-shirt.

Steve - 3.87

Headed over to track for a 3k TT. It was a bit later (noon) in the day than I had originally planned so the heat was a factor. I ended up running 11:33, about the same as what I ran a few weeks back on a different, faster track. I lost some speed after the first mile and would have liked to finish a bit stronger. I think taking two days off in a row might have left me a bit too stale because I thought I would have run faster today.

1.5 mi wup in
3k TT in 11:33 (6:07 1st mi, final 1400 in 5:24)
800 cd in 5:23

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Luke - 7

Ran a 3000m steeplechase race in 10:23. Second place overall, about 3 seconds behind the winner. I was a bit far back to begin and had to pick off people one at a time...I spotted the winner a little too much distance and was unable to catch him.
I hurdled every barrier (didn't step on them) except of course the water pit. I landed on two feet in the water every time, I just didn't have the strength to take it in stride. I would always fall back of people at that point each lap and have to surge afterwards to make up for it. The hurdles seemed so tall. Definitely a tough race.

James - 1.6

It's been so long I forgot my watch. And fell over because I was distracted by a cyclist. Saw anti-smoking graffiti. Stealth run, snuck out while Alison was asleep.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Steve - 5.40

Today's Flyer workout turned out to be exactly kind of the workout I wanted to do. The workout was "Voimas", which are 2-3x2400m intervals alternating 400 meters in marathon pace and 5k pace. I decided to run 7 minute mile pace and 6 minute mile pace respectively. First one was almost dead on and the effort was nice and smooth. On the second one, my faster 400 slipped and I ended up off the pace by 21 seconds. No worries though as I just wanted to do an easier workout today anyways after so much racing this past weekend. I did my cooldown barefoot and threw in some forward and backward strides as well

1.3 mi wup in 11:46
2x2400 in 9:45, 10:06 (400 rec in between)
.85 mi barefoot 9:38 cd

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Steve - 5.4

46:54 (8:41)

Easy, recovery run at Griffith Park. Felt pretty good.

Zack - 6.6

6.6 miles 50:08 (7:35)
Dark for most of the run, track work. 1.5 mi wu to the local middle school track, 6 x 400 fast (w/200 rest, 400 after 3), 1600 tempo.

Splits: 78.5, 76.9, 76.3, 76.8, 76.0!, 73.9!!, 1600 tempo: 6:19.

Humid again but felt amazing, pleased with the splits after 10 miles yesterday. Legs were shot after the last 400 so I eased up on the last 1600. Very peaceful solo effort with only the sound of crickets chirping around me. 1.5 mi cd.

Chris - 4.2

31:53 - 7:35 pace

I thought this pace was going to be a little slower. I felt like I slowed down a decent amount on the way back due in part to the beating sun. I tried hard to keep up the pace though, without pushing myelf too hard. Took off my shirt about a 1.5 miles in, that helped with the heat a bit.

Luke - 7.75

7.75mi, 65:58 (8:30)
Relentless Hills. I figured this run would kick my ass since I haven't done hills in a while...and it did. I even had to walk up part of The Wall. Whatever, I had DoughCo afterward.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Zack - 10.55

12PM: 7.3 miles 54:02 (7:24)
Delaware (OH) route,

10PM: 3.25 miles 24:24 (7:30)
Legs tired, took it super easy on this shakeout run.

Luke - 10

10mi, 73:11 (7:19)
1.6-mile loop in 12:00, 1.4-mile loop in 9:54, 2 miles barefoot in the grass.

Chris - 3.45

27:38 - 8:00 pace

I think this might've been a little slower pace because I forgot the normal path we take over Fanno Creek from work was closed for construction, so I had to turn around and improvise a bit. Still a good quality run though.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Zack - 8.1

Back in Ohio this week, was a groomsman in my friend's wedding and I am hanging with family for the week. Lots of time to put miles on my Green Silence. Will most likely race a 5km being held Friday evening in Radnor, OH (a nearby little farm town). Looked to be nice competition last year with the winner <17min. Most likely high school runners getting ready for XC season. are the details. 8 miles racked up on an EZ day by doubling.

1PM: 4.1 miles 30:02 (7:19)
Loop around new areas of development. Little cooler (~82F) but very very humid. Felt good though.

10PM: 4 miles 29:18 (7:19)
Same loop as the morning (with the exception of one turn), felt fine.

Luke - 10

10mi, 74:23 (7:26)
1.6-mile loop in 11:52, 1.4-mile loop in 10:06, 2 miles barefoot in the grass.

Steve - 9.2

2nd day of the corporate event. First up was the 10k road race. A double loop on the same 5k course. I just wanted to get through the race with a competitive effort. I only got my split for a few miles. I was 6:43 for the 1st mile and I was at 35:01 at the 5 mile. I did manage to throw down a solid close, running the final 1.2 miles in 7:20(6:07 pace) for a final time of 42:21. I can't recall the winning times for the 5 or 10k, but the 5k was 16 and change. I figure the terrain cost me about a minute in the 5k and 2 minutes in the 10k. Later in the day, I ran in relay where I ran a 1200 meter leg. My goal was to run 5 minute mile pace, or 3:45. My first lap was nearly perfect, either a 75 or 76. The second lap I lost focus and ran an 82, hitting 800 meters in 2:38. The middle lap is always tough. I got a second wind in the final 400 and closed in a 79 for a respectable 3:57. My legs were pretty much shot for this 1200, so I was pleased with it. I did a half-assed cooldown and called it a weekend.

1mi 9:00 wup
42:21 10k
.75mi wup in 6:30
3:57 1200m
.5 mi cd in 4:15

Weekly Mileage Totals, 7/18-7/24

Luke - 39.25 (5)
Steve - 30.79 (6)
Chris - 10.08 (2)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Luke - 10

10mi, 72:40 (7:16)
1.6-mile loop in 11:58, 1.4-mile loop in 9:41, 2 miles barefoot in the grass.

Steve - 7.4

I'm up in San Ramon for a corporate running event. It's a two-day event with a 5k road race and track relays on Saturday and a 10k road race Sunday with track relays. I have been focusing my training the last few months so I could run well for this event, particularly the 5k. To my dismay, I found out the course was mostly gravel and had lots of hills, which meant the times would be slow. Regardless, I attacked the course, looking to put up a decent time. The race started in a parking lot and after about 400 meters, we turned on to the gravel trail. I felt like I was pushing the pace and I hit mile 1 at 6:17. It was a bit slow, but I didn't worry about it. Mile 2 was mostly uphill and it was a struggle to keep a fast pace. I just focused on shorter, quicker strides. No one passed me and I pulled ahead of a few guys. I hit mile 2 in 6:50, which was pretty good I thought considering the tough terrain and the climb. I knew the final 800 meters or so were mostly downhill, so I tried to build up my effort so set up a strong close. Once I got to the downhill, I kicked it in and passed a few more runners. I hit the line in 19:47, running the final 1.1 miles in 6:40(6:03 pace). Overall I was pleased with the time because the gravel really slowed me down and the 2nd mile was tough. I am planning on a 5k two weeks from today where I will chase a PR. I feel like I'm in good enough to run a 18:36, so we shall see...

Oh also, I ran in a relay later in the day. I did a 400 leg in 62 seconds and it felt pretty good. It wasn't 100% all-out, but it was probably 98%. I still think I could break 60 given the right circumstances.

1.8 mi 18:29 wup
5k in 19:47
.5 mi cd in 5:01
miscellaneous wup/cd: 12 min, 1.5 mi
400m in 62

Friday, July 23, 2010

Steve - 3.52

30:29 (8:40)

Last tune up run before my race tomorrow. Bout to jump on a plane to Oakland.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Chris - 5.04

40:06 - 7:57 pace

Left knee was tight for almost half the run. Looking forward to going up to Seattle this weekend with my dad and nephew to see the Mariners v. Red Sox.

Luke - 5.5

5.5mi, 40:55 (7:26)
1.4-mile loop in 10:32. Slow recovery run.

Steve - 4.35

40:17 (9:16)

Nice, easy run. Needed to recover after yesterday's sprints.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Luke - 8.75

8.75mi, 61:41 (7:02)
Fox Zack today because he flew back home tonight. I decided when I got out the door that I would try to beat my PR on this run. I figured since the trails were less muddy and I hadn't pushed right from the start on that day that I might be able to do it. Was hitting 6:20s on the flat bark trail on the way out; started feeling the run when I started up the hill, and managed only 8:13 up it. I was at 30:16 at the top, and even though I remembered I was at 30:30 at the same point on my PR-setting run I knew I didn't have enough left in me to get the record. Downhill was 6:27, followed by a very tough 6:58 mile on the bark, and then the wind picked up to join in on the beating the sun was giving me, and I struggled home in about 7:40 pace. That 56-minute PR is going to be tough to ever beat again; I can't believe I ever went that fast.

Steve - 4

Final workout before my races this weekend. A mixture of 200s and 100s to sharpen up my speed. I ran them pretty hard with full recovery in between and now am pretty sore 24 hours later.

1.5 mi wup in 12:26
100s in 14.5, 14.7
200s in 31, 31
100s in 13.5, 13.4
1.25 mi 12:45 cd

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Steve - 7.05

62:54 (8:55)

Long, easy run through Griffith Park on the flat trail. No clue about the distance, but I'll say 7.05 and call it a day.

Chris - 5.04

40:45 - 8:05 pace

Felt good considering I haven't run since last week Wednesday. Ended up being much busier this weekend than I had thought I would be. My company's employee golf tournament was fun! My team sucked pretty bad, we finished at 4 over par. But I went home with literally 42 free golf balls and a golf glove. Sweet!

Sunday/Monday I was at the McMenamins Edgefield property with my best buddies, one of which was in town from Houston with his wife to pick up their stored wedding presents to drive back to their new place. Played their little par-3 course and had beers and food galore. Monday we drove back and did some couch swapping between my house and theirs, and then ended up playing an impromptu 9 holes at the local King City course.

Hope everyone has a good week!

Luke - 7

7mi, 52:10 (7:27)
1.6-mile loop in 11:56, then a mile barefoot in the grass. It's been nice out so I've been showing some skin in my short shorts and no shirt.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Luke - 8

8mi, 58:17 (7:17)
1.6-mile loop in 11:48, 1.4-mile loop in 9:55. Thought about doing some barefoot at the end but the sprinklers were on and I didn't feel like running through them so I just finished up feeling pretty good about my 8. Last weekend was a bit crazy because my friend Patrick got married on Saturday so I missed some runs in the surrounding days (but not on the actual day).

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Steve - 4.5

5k race! Luke's plan suggested a 2 or 3k TT. I decided to do a 2 mile TT and then cruise in the final mile. I wanted to hit 2 miles at 12:00. The course was pretty awful. You run about .3 miles in one direction, turn around, run .7 miles, turn around and run back to the first turn, and then back to the start line. I hit the first mile at 6:00 in 5th place, feeling pretty good. Hit mile at 12:28, and I figured the course was wrong since it didn't feel like I slowed down that much. I slowed down considerably and cruised the 3rd mile. Somehow my time was 6:11 for the third mile so I knew the course was all wrong. I hit the final 200 in 25 seconds for a time of 19:04. No doubt the course was short, but I felt good, like I could have kept the pace going from the first 2 miles.

1.4 mi wup
5k race

Weekly Mileage Totals, 7/11-7/17

Luke - 24.25 (4)
Steve - 20.94 (4)
Chris - 11.49 (2)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Steve - 4.61

39:12 (8:30)

Nice, easy run. One week until my big 5k corporate event. I'm running in a 5k tomorrow morning and I plan to TT the first 2 miles and then jog in the final mile. Goal is to hit 12 minutes on the nose. My goal for the 5k next Saturday is run to 6 minute mile pace, 18:36!

Luke - 11

11mi, 86:05 (7:49)
Went to Fox Hollow and went up the hill in 8:17, then continued East on Ridgeline to the end of it and followed the roads back.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Steve - 3.75

More fartlek at USC. 100 off, 100 on. Was running about 17-18 for the hard portion and 31-32 for the easy.

1.25 mi wup in 15:20
2 mi fartlek in 13:48 (100 on, 100 off. 17-18 for hard)
1.5 mi 13:36 cd

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Luke - 4.25

4.25mi, 31:14 (7:20)
Mile loops of 7:35, 7:23, and 7:06. Everything felt fine, so I guess it was just a one-day injury.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Steve - 6.15

It was so hot today that I totally crashed during my tempo run and had to cut it short. It was probably 90 degrees and I ran at 7:30pm. I didn't help matters by going out too fast in the first mile and not eating for like 4 hours before. I felt awful.

1.25 mi wup in 10:22
3.5 mi tempo in 22:46 (6:13,6:28, 6:40, 3:25)
1.4 mi 11:56 cd

Luke - 7.5

Fox Hollow with Zack, 7:30 pace on the way to the hill, 7:53 up, 6:51 down, was cruising along at 6:30 pace on the way back, feeling good, and a little something popped in my groin area. Just a weird pain in a very small area that kept me from running. Walk/jogged a mile and a half, then walked the rest of the way. Gonna take it easy for a bit but I'm guessing whatever it is came on because I haven't run much the past week or two.

Chris - 6.45

53:47 - 8:20 pace

You know it's hot out and you worked hard when: you get back from the run and sling sweat everywhere as you take off your watch.

I didn't feel like waiting until tonight to go run, partly because something has been bothering me and I needed to let off some steam. Did my Magento run for the first time in 4 months (I think since I ran it with Luke) and it kicked my ass. I think the heat definitely got to me the second half - it was right in my face for awhile, and still above 80 when I got back. Still a good run though, I'm definitely way more efficient than I was a month or two ago, even though my form went to crap to last 1/4 of this run.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Steve - 4.75

37:22 (7:52)

Needed a day off badly on Monday. Today I headed out to the USC track again for some fartlek action. 2 miles, alternating easy 100, hard 100. Went much better than when I did it on Saturday. I think a lot of it had to with feeling fresh after a day off and the nice all-weather track at USC (instead of the dirt high school track). I averaged about 17-18 per each fast 100 and the slow 100s started out around 32 and got into the high 30s by the end.

1.75 mi wup in 14:49
2mi in 14:09 (6:53, 7:15)
1 mi 8:26 cd

Luke - 6.5

6.5mi, 50:05 (7:42)
Everything fine.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Chris - 5.04

38:22 - 7:36 pace

Five miles in under 8 minute pace finally! Such a great run today, the weather is perfect - 64* and sunny with a slight breeze. I was tired today since I'm back to 7-4 this week, but I guess it didn't affect my legs too much.

Golf was interesting yesterday. My dad and I played the OGA Course; I had never played it before. I shot probably the worst looking/feeling 94 ever. I couldn't hit a fairway or green in regulation to save my life, and I didn't make any putts outside of 5 feet. Luckily my chipping was superb; that really saved my butt a bunch of times. My company is having a golf tournament next weekend that I'm really excited for, when I started 3 years ago they had had it the week before my first day, and haven't had one since for employees. Should be a lot of fun!

Luke - 6

6mi, 44:48 (7:28)
1.6-mile loop in 12:00. Ran in Zack's new Green Silence...they were okay, but I don't think I'll buy a pair. Yesterday I was sick, but I am better now. Calves slightly tight by the end of the run, but they are just about all healed. So I am ready to run again.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Steve - 6.29

49:17 (7:50)

Today's menu called for a 5k TT. I didn't feel like getting up early and paying for a race so I came up with my own course on mean streets of L.A. The course ended up being 3.15 miles. My time was 20:31, probably equivalent to about a 20:15 5k or so. I was pretty disappointed with this effort. I thought I could cruise to a mid 19s 5k pretty easily. I did wear my regular heavy trainers, though. Last mile was a bit of a struggle. I'm 13 days out from this big 5k I am running at the end of July and getting a bit worried that I'm not in that great of shape.

1.87 mi wup in 16:46 (8:58)
3.15 miles TT in 20:31 (6:31 pace)
1.27 mi cd in 12:00 (9:27)

Weekly Mileage Totals, 7/4-7/10

Steve - 32.06 (6)
Luke - 16.75 (3)
Chris - 15.12 (3)
Alison/James - 4 (1)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Chris - 5.04

40:32 - 8:02 pace

Felt better today, had some legs under me for the whole route. I was going to do my Magneto route today, but I'm playing 18 holes tomorrow so I decided not to totally kill myself.

Steve - 4.59

I ran over to a local dirt track near my house to do 2 miles of fartlek. 100 easy, 100 hard. There were bleachers on one of the straightaways, so I had to run in the grass for part of that stretch. I decided to run the turns hard because of the bleachers blocking the track. I typically ran about 24-25 for the faster 100 and 31-32 for the easy 100.

1.36 mi wup in 10:52
2 mi fartlek in 14:34 (100 easy, 100 hard).
1.23 mi in cd 9:57

Friday, July 9, 2010

Steve - 3.6

Track workout at USC. It's great that I can get on to a such a nice facility at a private institution. I felt like I needed to work on speed since my 3k TT felt slow. I did a 400, 500, 400, and 300 with full recovery in between. I was pretty gassed when it was all over. Times below.

1.5 mi wup 14:24
400m in 69
500m in 91
400m in 69
300m in 53
1.1 mi cd 12:28

Luke - 5.5

5.5mi, 41:35 (7:33)
1.4-mile loop in 10:32. Calves feeling better, but still tight, especially by the end of the run. Also it's in the 90ºs.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Chris - 5.04

41:28 - 8:13 pace

It's funny to me that these 5 milers keep getting slower, but I figured it would be a good idea to take it relatively easy considering it was 88* when I started. Didn't want to give myself heat stroke or something. Also, I almost stepped on a little snake going up a hill.

Steve - 4.8

3k time trial on the track. I was shooting for about 11 minutes. I ended up at 11:29, which is 6:10 mile pace. A good deal slower than I wanted, but I felt pretty good after so I knew I could have gone harder. A day later, my groin on my left side started bothering me. The right one used to bother me, but hasn't for awhile. I need to be a bit cautious with my workout tonight.

1.4 mi in 12:55 wup
11:29 (6:08, 5:21)
1.6 mi 14:28 cd

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Luke - 2.25

2.25mi, 19:55 (8:51)
A mile loop of 8:58. Was planning on doing three loops, but my calves were killing me. I was barely able to walk the previous couple days...the calves are still fucked up from that 4:35 downhill mile in super-thin shoes.

Alison/James - 4


That's really slow! That's because we walked all of that! Because it's hot! Which you're tired of hearing!

Hi chaps. It's me again. Just thought I'd stick my head in. Sorry about the lack of running. But we have been doing some exercise DVDs and using our exercise bike a lot lately, trying to get into some form of routine. I did 6 miles on it today. I thought it was going to fall apart. And I walked the mile or so home from college.

Whether it is due to college, America or Alison, I have gained some 20 pounds since I moved here. That will not stand.

Once A Runner is in my college library, on display. Can this be the fact that gets one of you to comment on one of my posts?

Keep going.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Steve - 9.5

85:00 (8:57)

Long, easy run at Griffith Park, mostly flat. I felt good until about the 75 minute point and my hip started hurting. Ran a bit longer and then called it at a day.

Chris - 5.04

41:23 - 8:12 pace

Well I thought the 3 days off from running would help my energy. Although I did play 18 holes yesterday with my dad, and shot an 88 - one of my best scores ever! It could've been an 86 pretty easily, I missed two very makable par putts on the 17th and 18th holes. Plus, I waited until it was 11am and nearing 70* to do my route, so I'm sure running in the heat didn't help things. I tried nose breathing here and there today too.

Almost forgot - on the last 1/4 of my run as I was just finished crossing an intersection, this guy yelled out of the passenger side of a Mazda, "Hey put a shirt on!". I was very happy in how quickly I turned my head and gave him a nice "F**k you!" as I continued running. Afterwards I briefly worried that with so many other cars around there might be some little kid around, but I decided it was worth it to say something instead of not.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Steve - 4.87

The memory on my watch got cleared somehow. It was at full capacity and then when I looked a few days later it was empty. Weird. I hope it's not breaking. Anyway, I did a track workout in Colorado and I can remember most of what I ran. I did12x200 with 200 recovery job in between.

My range of times was between 34-38. Most of them were in the 36-37 range. I opened with a 35 high and closed with a 33 high. 1.25 mile wup and .75 cd. Did this workout in trainers so times could have been faster. Also it was alitude, blah blah blah.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Luke - 9

10k race!
My only real goal in this race was to be in first at the 2.2-mile mark. There are $50 prizes for the first to the top of the hill (mile 1) and first to the bottom of the hill (mile 2.2). The best runners around usually show up for this one, since there's a $200 prize for first. I figured I might have a chance at my goal since the top guys would be racing 10k and I was really only racing 2.2 miles.
While warming up I saw the Trujillo twins, who run in the low 14s for 5k, and I figured between them and whatever random out-of-towners were in town for the Pre Classic, I would have a tough time getting near the lead.
The first quarter-mile of the race is pretty flat, and I felt good as I started, only behind one guy, who was wearing headphones, so I knew he wasn't going to be a threat. As the hill started there was a pretty good pack of us up at the front, and for a while I was running next to the twins. As the hill got steeper, the twins didn't get any slower, just gliding on up. I knew I wouldn't be first to the top of the hill, since my strength is the downhill, so I just wanted to stay as close as possible to give myself a chance. I was in about 8th place at the mile mark, which I crossed in 5:43, probably about ten seconds back of the twins, who were leading. I immediately began passing people when the downhill started, as I pounded down the pavement, bouncing off my toes. Within a quarter mile I was in fifth, but was having a tough time gaining any ground on the guys in front of me. At one point about halfway down I counted six seconds between the leading twin and myself, but he started really going at about that point. At the bottom of the hill I ended up about 3 seconds back of the 3rd and 4th place guys, who were running together, and probably a good 20 seconds behind 1st. My second mile was 4:35, which is faster than I've ever run any mile before.
After the 2.2-mile mark I eased way up, and actually stopped for a second where a guy was on a ladder spraying water from a hose. I was surprised to see how far in front of everyone else I was, as it took almost to the third mile before people started passing me. I coasted to a 5:51 third mile, which was pretty much a quarter mile of hard downhill followed by three quarters of a mile of jogging. My next mile I took pretty easy as well but managed a 5:34. Whenever someone would pass me I'd run with them for a bit and give them some encouragement. Fifth mile I really jogged, hitting 6:29. When I heard my five-mile split of 28:low I decided to pick it up for the last mile and a half, thinking I might have enough left to actually PR despite all the lollygagging. My sixth mile was a minute faster than my fifth, at 5:29, and the last .2 took 1:07, so I came in at 34:51, 17 seconds behind my PR.
After the race I could barely walk--the bottoms of my feet felt like they were cut up, and my upper calves were super tight. That downhill mile really killed me.
I think next year I'll go for the Downhill Champ again, but I'll continue on with racing hard the rest of the 10k as well.

Steve - 4.7

5k race with the fam in Colorado. I wanted to run a nice tempoish effort and not kill myself too much with a track workout the next day. Clipped the first mile in 6:30 and felt OK. It was a bit of a downhill so the second mile was tougher. Hit about 6:55 and started to feel the altitude pretty bad. Third mile was mostly uphill and it was slow. About 7:03. Final time in 21:46. Pretty slow, but no big deal considering everything. Happy 4th!

Weekly Mileage Totals, 6/27-7/3

Luke - 41.25 (6)
Steve - 29 (5)
Chris - 16.38 (4)

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Luke - 6.5

6.5mi, 47:10 (7:15)
Easy run the day before the race. Met up with some people who were in town for the Pre Classic, which I attended later in the day, and ran on Pre's Trail. Saw Ryan Hall and a couple other notable runners.

Steve - 4


Run around the neighborhood the morning after arriving in Colorado at 12am. Elevation is about 6000 ft, so I took it easy. Not sure about the distance, but at least 4 miles for sure.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Steve - 3.85

I somehow forgot to bring my watch so I had to a track workout holding my phone. I can take splits, but its pretty hard to press the split button on the touchscreen while running. My plan was to do 6-8 300s. After 3 300s, I realized it was practically impossible to get accurate times so I just gave up on timing it. The track was a shitty dirt track and it wasn't marked very well. I probably wasn't even running the accurate distance and I never stopped it on time, so I am not even going to reveal the times for my 300s that I did get. I was also short on time with my flight to Colorado in only a few hours so I changed the workout on the fly to 4x300, 2x200, 400 with equal distance in recovery as the previous interval. It was a tough workout and I got through it.

Luke - 4.25

4.25mi, 31:53 (7:30)
Mile loops of 7:40, 7:34, and 7:16.

Chris - 4

29:44 - 7:26 pace

Ran with Mike during lunch at work. My legs were so devoid of energy after playing 2 hours of 3 on 3 basketball last night. He set a pretty quick pace so I had to keep up. I'm going to take the next couple days off to let my legs and body recover from the beating they took this week.

View from Saturday - I slept for 10 1/2 hours last night, and it was glorious. Body feels better but still needs more rest. Today should be a great day. Watching the 2nd half of the Spain/Paraguay game right now, the Pre Classic is on shortly, and later I'm meeting a bunch of guys from work at Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the UFC match. Good stuff!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Luke - 7.5

7.5mi, 55:14 (7:21)
1.4-mile loop in 10:21 and 9:57. Saw one Bernard Lagat out on Pre's Trail.