Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 1:43:31 (7:36)
Last day of the month! Of course I pushed it from the start. My back was hurting at first but about halfway up Fox Hollow that mostly went away. First half was my third-fastest of the month, but I never really had any chance at a PR. Came down pretty quick and was doing 6:00 on Rexius, but was pretty tired by the time I stopped at the intersection with 1.5 miles to go. When I started back up, my back was in crazy amounts of pain. Pushed through it as best I could and it was off and on the rest of the way home. The last half-mile was the worst, and about two blocks from home I just couldn't go any more. I stopped and sat on the curb and was like "I did 30 days plus 13.5 miles and I might not make it!" Of course in a bit I got up and hobbled home grimacing. Had Beer Stein afterwards!
Four (4) pull-ups. Splits: 12:51, 15:14, 8:39, 6:27, 7:03, 3:27, 3:07 (56:51) / 3:07, 2:29, 5:51, 5:16, 6:41, 11:36, 11:36.

I have all my splits in a spreadsheet and I am in the midst of crunching all the numbers, which is pretty fun. I'll have a report up sometime soon.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

James - 2


Easyish run after feeling so rough the other day. Also took an additional day off. Did some arm and stomach machines too.

IMPORTANT ADVICE NEEDED URGENTLY ETC. I am going to enter a race, but I don't know which one!

March 3rd & 4th 2012:


The 5+3K price goes up at 11:59pm Wednesday (probably today, if you're reading this in time). That's why I need a quick answer. I'd love a 5K happily, but the problem is, I don't get what 5+3K means! Is it just an 8K?

Thanks all!

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 2:01:12 (8:54)
Yesterday as I was coming down Fox Hollow I stumbled (due to being half asleep) but caught myself before really falling, but I think when I caught myself I tweaked my back a little, and today I was feeling it off and on. That and still being tired added up to another awful run...I am really really angry at the stupid mistake of going to bed late on Sunday. Learned that lesson the hard way.
Three (3) pull-ups. Splits: 13:10, 15:58, 9:41, 7:39, 8:32, 4:01 3:37 (62:42) / 3:57, 3:11, 7:00, 6:51, 8:16, 16:17, 12:56.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 2:01:03 (8:54)
Bah. I'm pretty mad at myself...last night I didn't get to bed until 9:30, which means I'm gonna be behind on sleep the entire week. No excuse not to get to bed early on Sunday, just laziness. Not only am I behind on sleep to start out, I'm dragging ass between getting home from work and going running so I end up running too late, therefore getting to bed too late, and it's just a downward spiral. Anyway yeah this run sucked, only a couple of okay sections. 9:00 pace the last four miles or so.
Two (2) pull-ups. Splits: 13:17., 15:19, 8:44, 7:11, 8:09, 3:57, 3:36 (60:16) / 3:48, 3:07, 7:12, 7:02, 9:04, 17:02, 13:30.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 1:43:40 (7:37)
A very good time, but I didn't feel as good as I've felt on runs with similar times. I felt like I was pushing the whole time but not ever really able to go as fast as I wanted. The entire first half my legs felt pretty good but I was breathing really heavily. On the way back my breathing seemed to calm down but my legs got more tired. At the bottom of the hill I started going 6:00 pace but wasn't able to keep it up more than about one mile, and then the last 1.5 miles were about 7:30 pace. Only three days left in the month!
Four (4) pull-ups. Splits: 12:28, 14:31, 8:40, 6:47, 7:36, 3:39, 3:16 (57:00) / 3:23, 2:25, 5:37, 5:19, 6:59, 11:55, 10:58.

Weekly Mileage Totals, 8/21-8/27

Luke - 97.1 (8)
Zack - 60.5 (9)
James - 12.7 (4)
Chris - 8.34 (2)

178.64 miles in 23 runs by 4 runners.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

James - 3.35



I wanted to run 4 miles. That would have been a new distance record and it would have given me a new weekly record (by 0.05miles). I calculated that I'd have to run around the apartment complex 7 and a bit times, which seemed daunting. I decided to stop after 6 and be humble.

After showering, and whilst trying to eat, I got weird twisty backpains. Within an hour I was dead asleep, for 11 hours. I'd been a bit behind on my sleep, but that was not the expected reaction. I didn't even make my update or brush my teeth and I'm normally pretty religious about that.

Edit: I don't know if it had anything to do with it (I doubt it) but we tried these new energy supplements. Before the run I had New Whey liquid protein (maybe I should have had it immediately before going instead of half an hours?). After I had Muscle Milk Light (strangely, vegan) and we also got all these CVS protein drinks that we're going to try every day.

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 1:53:00 (8:18)
After last night's festivities, today was rough. Woke up at 2pm feeling just awful, and could barely move for the next two hours. Luckily Zack was running the butte with me today, so I had a bit more motivation to get out the door. We started out real slow, as I was feeling terrible and Zack wasn't exactly at 100% either. As I was telling Zack, the best thing for a hangover is a long run (although the worst thing for a long run is a hangover). I made sure to push it up Fox Hollow because I knew if I didn't I'd end up trudging the whole way up, which would be so much worse. We went fairly slowly the first half, but pretty steadily until the very top which is always so tough. We relaxed at the top for longer than usual, and sat in the shade to eat our gels. I felt a ton better on the way down, just an absolute 180 from how I felt when we left. The flat portion at the end was a breeze, although Zack was dying a bit in the last mile or two.
Five (5) pull-ups. Splits: 12:54, 15:26, 9:02, 7:39, 8:35, 4:01, 3:35 (61:15) / 3:51, 2:32, 6:08, 6:05, 7:24, 14:00, 11:42.

Zack - 13.6


Ran the Butte with Luke hungover. Started slow but followed a reasonable progression to a faster pace. Climbed pretty decent but it was really rough at the very top climbing the rocks. But I buckled down and knocked it out to enjoy a lovely Oregon summer day and excellent view from the top of the city.

25th Fox Hollow of the year, up en route: 9:11, down: 7:25.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Luke - 1.9

Beer Mile, 7:21.

Pretty good turnout for this one, about a dozen people. I think everyone except me was a chemistry grad student. A couple of them were into Crossfit and half of them were pretty good drinkers so it was a pretty good race (although Zack and I were the only ones who had previous beer mile experience). I warmed up one lap plus to the bathroom and back. My outfit was my Zoom Streak XC flats, black and purple argyle socks that were fairly tall, navyish shorts (not crazy short but still running shorts) and an old-school jersey.
At the start, two or three people finished their first beer before me. I was drinking out of a bottle (all other beer miles I've used cans) which I think slowed me down a couple seconds. Of course I went to the lead by about 50m into the running though. Felt okay but wasn't able to burp as much as I'd have liked. Zack and I were drinking Weihenstephaner Original, which I think is a great beer mile beer...very easy to drink, a great light taste. I took the running a bit slow to keep things under control gastronomically. While drinking my second beer some other runners were coming up behind me, I think Zack was first. I finished drinking fairly quickly and was able to burp a few times, which allowed me to go a bit faster for a short section. The third beer felt about the same as the second, and the third lap also felt the same as the second lap. The fourth beer was again pretty easy to drink, so I just had to get through the last lap without throwing up. I knew at that point that if I threw up I wouldn't win, because Zack was close enough that an extra lap would be too long for me to catch him. I alternated going fast and slow, just making sure to hold it all in. I crossed the line and lasted about two more seconds before throwing up. Perfectly executed. Zack finished in 8:09 I think, and third place was 8:59.
A while later we were all hanging out and talking and stuff and I saw one guy, a little Japanese guy named Kozu, still drinking, and I asked him if he was still going. He was, a little over twenty minutes in and still on his last beer. We all ended up cheering him on while he tried to finish his beer. He hadn't thrown up yet so he was trying to get it down and keep it down, so he was taking tiny sips, about one every 45 seconds. At one point he sat down, but he was still going. He set his beer down and I could hear there was still beer in it, and he walked over to the edge of the track and threw up. That gave him the space in his body to finish his last couple ounces of beer, and almost everybody went with him when he started running, and we were all cheering for him. He was actually a pretty fast runner. Three or four of us also ran with him on his penalty lap, and he finally finished with a time of 28:32.
It was a really fun time, and afterward a handful of us went to Max's for peanuts and pitchers of PBR. Zack and I hadn't really eaten dinner so we got really drunk. Good times.

Zack - PM: 4.25, PM: 1.5 (beer mile!)

4.25 mi 33:04
Easy run before the beer mile. Amazon jog in 7:55, 8:02, 7:50.

1.5 mi

8:09 beer mile! Luke posted an excellent recap. This bettered my time from 8:50. It was surprisingly less taxing on my body considering I am typically not the greatest at chugging beers. The fine German beers must have been crucial to the success. I even had Luke in sights for much of the first 3 laps before he gained some separation.

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 1:49:38 (8:03)
Very mediocre run...I'm glad my mediocre run is still under 1:50. Nothing too out of the ordinary on this run, except I was pretty dehydrated. At work I have a water bottle that I try to finish off every two hours, but today I was just running errands and stuff so I wasn't as mindful of my hydration. Oh speaking of hydration I'm running a beer mile tonight.
Five (5) pull-ups. Splits: 12:15, 14:39, 8:50, 7:09, 8:06, 3:57, 3:28 (58:27) / 3:49, 2:47, 6:10, 5:47, 7:21, 14:06, 11:07.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 1:53:14 (8:19)
Started later than usual--once my workweek ended I just wanted to sit around. I was hecka tired for the first five miles or so. I managed to go late enough that the sun was about to set when I was on top of the butte. I think I'd've needed to stay another ten minutes to get the actual sunset, but I knew I'd need all the light I could get coming down the hills, and it looked pretty awesome as it was. Felt pretty all right on the downhills, but I did have to slow down for the last couple miles of them just because I couldn't see quite well enough to go full speed. Once on flat ground again, and out of the woods where it was a bit brighter, I picked it up to about 7:15 pace, though the last mile and a half was closer to 7:55 pace as I was fading on energy. Did manage five (5) pull-ups again. Splits: 12:49, 14:51, 9:01, 7:19, 7:35, 3:40, 3:22 (58:40) / 3:34, 2:55, 6:40, 6:39, 8:40, 14:06, 11:57.

James - 2.95

~~25 - 30 mins

I really wish I had a more accurate time for this one, as I was outdoors and pushing myself just over the comfort limit the whole time in order to not be so slow. Felt pretty good again. Also wish I had had an idea of my distance before stopping as would have gone for the 5k. Ran home from college, taking detours all over the place.

I drank a new (to me) health drink beforehand, but can't remember the name. FBS or FCB or some acronym.

Zack - 5.5

39:04 (7:06)
Pre's in the evening, cruised along quickly.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 1:58:53 (8:44)
There was a distinct lack of energy in my legs today.
Three (3) pull-ups. Splits: 13:12, 15:02, 9:38, 7:05, 8:21, 3:59, 3:43 (61:03) / 4:17, 3:14, 7:28, 7:02, 8:41, 14:58, 12:07.

Zack - AM: 8.75. PM: 4.25

AM: 8.75 mi 71:35 (8:11)
Fox Hollow at 6:40AM with my buddy Sean. Easy pace but progressed throughout. Up in 9:57, down in 7:11.

PM: 4.25 mi 32:07
Amazon loops in 7:49, 7:40, 7:27.

Chris - 4.17

33:13 - 7:57 pace

Another short, easier run before work. My pace was a little faster but I felt better, so I guess that makes sense. It's pretty hot and muggy out today. It said 70* when I left the house but the way I was sweating when I got back it felt more like 80*. Now just a couple days of rest before the fun begins on Friday!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

James - 3.1


Felt really good during and after this run, I think it's because I ate a very large amount of food today, and the healthy kind. Thank you lovely wife.

So I started back at college today. Boooo. The gym visit here was late at night, after my 7pm journalism class. The prof told us he writes sports, health and fitness, yoga pieces, etc. And he kept comparing learning how to write with running a marathon - you don't just go out on day 1 and do 26 miles. When it came to us spending 10 minutes doing stream-of-consciousness writing I wrote about how I was going to the gym afterwards, and some of the book things from this earlier post. Funnily, one other person made the connection and wrote about how she started training for a race yesterday (there's only 8 in the class). I also wrote of how, on the walk to college, I tried to jump over a ditch filled with murky Florida rainwater and got it all the way up to both ankles, over my running shoes. Nice.

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 1:40:36 (7:23)
I was figuring today would be tough, after yesterday's super-hot time, so I did everything I could to make it a decent run: had a gel before leaving (as well as the usual one halfway), did the first three miles quick but not hard, and pushed pretty well going up Fox Hollow. I was hoping for a "really good" run of 57:xx for the first half and 47:xx for the second half, which I figured was pretty optimistic. Was right on schedule at the top of the hill, but I was feeling good so I pushed it coming down. For a second I was thinking I could beat yesterday's time even though I was two minutes slower for the first half. Did get kinda close! A hair under 5:50 pace the last three miles. I don't know how I did this...I guess tomorrow will be the rough day? Who knows, I keep surprising myself.
Three (3) pull-ups. Splits: 12:25, 14:47, 9:00, 7:04, 7:22, 3:24, 3:21 (57:26) / 3:20, 2:25, 5:49, 5:35, 6:14, 11:04, 8:40.

Zack - 3.4

27:05 (7:58)

Super easy 7AM recovery shakeout. Planned a PM run but had a vicious stomach ache and skipped out.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Chris - 4.17

34:51 - 8:21 pace

This is one of two easy 4 milers I will be doing this week before the Hood to Coast starts to Friday. I ran pretty late at night b/c I had to go get my car from the mechanic's after work, which involved picking up one of my parents so they could drop me off with my car. What a perfect night for a solo run...70* and hardly a soul to be seen out this late. Nights like this remind me of why I enjoy running so much! That and thinking about how much fun the Hood to Coast will be this weekend! Woot woot!

Oh also, I don't think I told you all that everyone on my team is growing a mustache for the race. We also bought team t-shirts, which are SURE to make you laugh. They are pretty freaking awesome. A little background story - our original name was the Majestic Unicorns, but then they changed it to the Majestic 12 since there are 12 of us on the team. Anyway, our team photo at the end will be of 12 grown men with mustaches wearing awesome purple unicorn shirts. You just can't beat it. It shall be epic.

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 99:32 (7:19)
Well, folks, that right there's about as good as she gets. Started off pretty quick but didn't think I'd be able to keep it up. Fastest first half ever, and I thought maybe I'd have a chance at a PR...I knew my best second half ever was 45 minutes flat, and I was just under 56 at the top, so I figured I'd be cutting it close to PR, since that 45:00 was super-quick. Flew down the hills, except decided to take one section a bit easier, and got it in my head that sub-1:40 might be possible. Needed right near 6-flat pace the last 4+ miles to get it, so I pushed pretty hard. 6:05 pace on Rexius, then 5:55 pace last 1.5 miles. Tomorrow's gonna be rough...
Four (4) pull-ups. Splits: 12:25, 14:34, 8:22, 6:26, 7:18, 3:32, 3:14 (55:53) / 3:17, 2:22, 5:27, 6:01, 6:06, 11:32, 8:52.

Zack - 9.25

77:26 (8:20)

Pace looks deceivingly slow but it was a tough one, back to back days of all hills! So much fun.

Ran to Hendricks Park (Eugene), to the Ribbon Trail, across 30th ave on Spring Blvd, to the top of Mt. Baldy, down Dillard Rd and back Rexius.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

James - 3.3


We ran this park a while ago and my own measurements told me that it was 0.7 miles around rather than the signposted 0.75. Alison pointed out that it might be because gmaps can't recognise 3D distances (this route has a good few slopes) and that seems reasonable. I decided to do my planned route that originally I thought to be 5K and am going to take the parks word for it.

Shoelace came undone again and I had to stop when the shoe was practically off. A definite downside of the new shoes. Should I try different laces? Some kind of lace securing device? A fancy new knot?

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 1:47:25 (7:53)
Solid run. Started out feeling like I was really laboring, but a little while after Fox Hollow I started feeling better, and though I felt pretty winded at the top, the downhills felt very good. When I got water I was again feeling pretty tired, but when I started going I saw a shirtless runner about a quarter-mile in front of me on the trail so I of course tried to catch him. I ended up doing about 6:15 pace on Rexius (I caught the guy with about a quarter-mile left on the trail).
Three (3) pull-ups. Splits: 12:01, 14:56, 9:30, 7:16, 8:14, 3:53, 3:34, 3:39, 2:47, 5:55, 5:56, 6:39, 12:14, 10:44.

Zack - 10

81:18 (8:08)

Forest Park (Portland), out and back all hills on the trails. Started at the Tunnel Trail and continued on the Wildwood. Hilliest section of Forest Park I have ever run on.

41:13 out, 40:05 back

Weekly Mileage Totals, 8/14-8/20

Luke - 99.45 (8)
Chris - 16.04 (4)
Steve - 8.2 (2)
James - 6.2 (3)

129.89 miles in 17 runs by 4 runners.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Luke - 4.25

4.25mi, 34:38 (8:08)
Mile loops of 8:39, 8:01 and 6:54. Too much pizza and beer beforehand.

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 1:52:33 (8:16)
Morning run (9:30am). Pretty much just woke up and left. Throughout, the run was a bit tougher and/or a bit slower than an afternoon go, but not by too much. It was 66º when I left and is supposed to get up to 90º today, so I'm glad I left when I did. Also I tried not stopping at the top for the first time, and it wasn't killer or anything. I wanted to try eating my gel on the run (I waited until I was past the more treacherous part of the downhill before doing so) instead of while stopped, as practice for doing it in a race.
Four (4) pull-ups. Splits: 12:41, 15:01, 9:04, 7:29, 7:54, 3:32, 3:21 (59:06) / 3:36, 3:08, 6:52, 6:43, 5:14, 13:57, 10:53.

Steve - 3.2


Got in my second run of the week. I didn't feel too great on this run. It's hard to describe but my foot feels weird in my shoe. It still feels different from the other foot when I land. Probably good that I'm not running too much because I feel like I'm fragile right now. My knee on the same leg was hurting a bit today too. Planning on a long bike ride tomorrow. I did my usual 9.5 to work and back (19) + another 3 or so for a total of 22. I was carrying a heavy bag with my laptop on the way home so I should get extra credit for that.

Friday, August 19, 2011

James - 2.4


I haven't updated in over a week because we were visiting Alisons family, with little internet access. I made the updates and for your pleasure and ease I present them here, here and here.

So I kept up the 2-day plan while we were away, but the day we drove back was scheduled and it simply couldn't be done. I was knackered anyway. I did it for a solid month though! This means I did two low milage 3-day weeks in a row, but I think I needed it. I'm going to stick with it until I see a reason to change.

Chris - 4.2

31:32 - 7:30 pace

Another lunch run to end the work week. Glad I was able to get into the teens for mileage this week. Tomorrow Jeeni and I are hiking the Ape Canyon trail up in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest next to Mount Saint Helens. About 11 miles total I believe. It's supposed to be 86 and sunny up there tomorrow, so that should give some great views of the mountain and surrounding wilderness.

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 1:50:52 (8:09)
After sleeping 13.5 hours, I felt pretty relaxed, and had another decent run. Tried going out a bit faster than usual, and I do think it took some of the energy out of my legs for the descent. Finished okay, just four seconds behind yesterday's time, and I finally managed five (5) pull-ups. Splits: 11:37, 14:06, 9:08, 7:19, 8:10, 4:03, 3:06 (57:32) / 3:31, 3:02, 6:51, 6:25, 8:20, 14:04, 11:03.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 1:50:48 (8:08)
A pretty good run...being done with the workweek made me feel a lot better, and I was able to sit around a bit after work before heading out. Zack was running Fox Hollow plus 1.6, so we ran together for the first quarter of my run. I always run a bit faster when I'm not running alone, so I was okay on the flat going out and pretty good up Fox Hollow. After splitting off I carried my momentum up the hill and ended up having my fastest first half yet. It was getting a bit dark in some of the more densely-forested parts of the trail, and I was a bit tired, so the downhills weren't super-fast, though I didn't feel too bad. Stomach started bothering me as I was coming down Fox Hollow, and I was sort of off and on the rest of the run...pretty much straight up 8-minute pace the last 3-4 miles, which is quite fine with me. I get a three-day weekend now, so the rest should help me get back to real good running.
Four (4) pull-ups. Splits: 12:47, 14:48, 8:09, 6:15, 7:24, 3:46, 3:23 (56:27) / 3:17, 2:58, 6:36, 6:11, 8:17, 14:49, 12:00.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Steve - 5


Ran with some friends in Santa Monica after work. It helped to run with other people since I mostly run solo now. My run club on Wednesdays is too far away now. Maybe once I can run fast I might start going again. I'm kind of getting into cycling now since its not as much impact on my foot. Rode to work and back on Tuesday. It took me 45 minutes to get to work and then I made it home in 42 min. It's about 9.3 miles, but when I get to Santa Monica it gets slow cuz of lights. I added on another 18 minutes (5.73 mi) of hard riding on the way home. Planning on riding into work on Friday morning as well. James would be proud that I'm decreasing my carbon footprint. My foot feels ok a day later after the run but my groin and some other muscles are are kind of sore after doing my longest run in 3 months.

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 2:11:26 (9:39)
Death march. Stomach was all fucked up, I was hurting from the start and nothing made it better. Need more sleep...just gotta survive one more day of 4-4 work before a three-day weekend to stock up thereon. From now on I'm getting to bed by 6 on Sunday nights, then being efficient with my time during the week.
Two (2) pull-ups. Splits: 13:17, 16:32, 9:53, 8:09, 9:07, 4:10, 3:28 (64:40) / 3:45, 3:16, 7:43, 8:17, 9:53, 18:30, 15:17.

Chris - 4.2

32:46 - 7:48 pace

Lunch run to get in some mileage since I'm busy after work today. Busy going to play 9 holes with Jeeni for the first time! Should be a blast, I'm really excited and hope she has fun.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 2:02:11 (8:59)
This was bound to happen, I suppose. After working 4-4 today I was even more tired than I was yesterday, and taking a nap from 4:30-5:00 didn't seem to help much. Add to that the fact that I went quite fast yesterday and there was no way today would be anything but slow. No real terrible bits, just trudging the whole way. Anyway, I'm now over half done with the month!
Four (4) pull-ups. Splits: 13:33, 16:11, 9:51, 7:36, 9:02, 4:08, 3:36 (64:01) / 3:49, 3:05, 7:17, 7:17, 8:39, 15:10, 12:49.

Chris - 4.17

34:27 - 8:15 pace

Short run after work. Still trying to get my energy back from this cold.

James - 1.1


This is a modest estimate of how far I went, and on the lower side of the estimate (better than overestimating). I faced further danger in the panhandle when running on a cobwebby treadmill in Alisons dads house. It featured no digital information or even an analogue timer, and was set at a permanent incline that was good training but really hurt me. Mosquitoes were all over me, as I ran with various sprays in my face and grenade shaped devices clipped to my pants. I peered out of the dirty windows at a varied thicket of plants and trees.

Alisons dad is a weirdo and told me just after I finished that the machine was not really designed for running, just walking.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Chris - 3.47

30:57 - 8:55 pace

First run outside of a race since last week Monday. Ran the out & back with Jeeni after work and a short nap. I came down with a cold last week, doing that mile time trial aggravated my hamstring, and I was busy most of the week after work so I ended up taking a bunch of days off. I'll have to post about the 5k when I have time later this week. I know this post is jumbled and may not make a ton of sense but I'm tired and about to pass out so I'm not going to proof-read it.

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 1:42:55 (7:34)
Hahahahahhahahahahha yes I'm so good.
My work schedule has changed again, and is now 4am-4pm Mon-Thurs. I'm pretty happy with the change since I get a whole day off, but the 1½ fewer non-work hours each day is tough. Last night I didn't get to bed as early as I'd hoped, and was pretty tired all day. When I got home from work I was absolutely dead and took forever to drag my ass out the door. I was not optimistic for the run. My first mile and half was a couple seconds from being the slowest such split this month. Picked it up a little bit on Rexius. Going into Fox Hollow I decided I'd give it a good effort; the main reason was probably because Zack said he was going to run Fox Hollow today (he was going to run a bit later than me) and I figured trying for a better time than him would be good motivation (I'm a dick like that). A minute or so up the hill I thought I heard something behind me, and I pretended it was a runner for extra motivation. At first I thought it was a bird, then thought maybe it was my own echo...thought for a bit it might be a bike but it didn't seem like the right sound for that either. Also entertained the idea that it was just my imagination. I was going pretty fast, really pushing it up the hill, and finally stole a glance behind me around a switchback, and it was a runner. Keeping up with me as I sprinted up Fox Hollow. What the hell. He was about 15m behind me and I think it ended up being a lot like this run, with me going slightly ahead then him almost catching me, the whole way up. I got just a couple more glances the rest of the hill, and thought it might be Ritz or Ian Dobson or something. I managed to stay ahead the whole time, finishing a few seconds in front of him. My time was one of the fastest I've ever had. At the top I stopped and turned around to see who it was, and it was someone I've seen before who I'm pretty sure is fast, but I don't know exactly who he is. I asked "Who are you??" with my hands on my knees, but I don't think he heard me because he responded, "Are you doing the next loop?" and pointed to the 1.6-mile loop that I've often done before. I told him I was going to the top of Spencer's Butte and he said "Okay!" and ran off into the 1.6 trail. I said, "Good job man!" after him and then went on to do the rest of my run. The uphill went pretty well, definitely stronger than usual, and my time at the top was a couple minutes faster than usual. Downhill I got faster and faster and just killed a few of the sections. Checked my watch when I stopped for water and saw that a PR was quite possible, so of course I went for it. Passed Zack on Rexius and gave him my best rendition of the second half of "One Last 'Whoo-Hoo' For The Pullman", and tried to get out "7:26 up Fox Hollow!" but I don't think he heard me since we passed each other pretty quickly. Probably for the best, since I see now that my time was actually 7:16. Anyway, felt pretty good the whole way back, mostly around 6:40 pace but a bit faster at the very end. Four (4) pull-ups. Splits: 13:06, 15:00, 7:16, 6:51, 8:00, 4:06, 3:33 (57:55) / 3:44, 2:56, 5:42, 4:50, 6:26, 11:53, 9:25.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 1:54:59 (8:27)
Pretty durned slow, but I didn't feel terrible or anything. My body just had to recover a bit after yesterday I guess. No terrible splits, just nothing very fast either. Oh also I saw a snake when I was coming down the butte, and maybe I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure it had a rattle on the end. I stopped and let it slither away before I continued (I was like five feet away).
Three (3) pull-ups. Splits: 12:58, 14:56, 9:29, 7:28, 8:18, 3:59, 3:28 (60:40) / 3:50, 2:53, 6:31, 6:25, 8:18, 14:54, 11:26.

James - 2.7


Another run that shows dedication without unimportant things like uh, impressive results (time, distance, pace, whatever). It's very dark on the streets here, there are few streetlights. The grandparents wanted me to run with a flashlight, but I insisted I didn't need it. Everyone talking about snakes all the time made me paranoid though. I started to run and heard ghastly noises everywhere, even up to the back door of the house where I started. I ran back and contemplated abandoning the run. But instead I just got a flashlight.

They were probably mostly bird noises, but still.

Weekly Mileage Totals, 8/7-8/13

Luke - 95.2 (7)
Zack - 38.65 (6)
Chris - 9.2 (2)
James - 7.6 (3)
Steve - 3 (1)
Alison - 0.5 (1)

154.15 miles in 20 runs by 6 runners.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Zack - 8.5. 10km race

Scandia Run 10km, Junction City, OR. 8AM

37:24 (6:01): 5:53, 6:03, 5:56, 5:57, 6:04, 5:57, 6:04, 7:28 (1.2 mi).

44 sec PR! This course was flat and had a competitive field in the 37th annual race in conjunction with the Scandinavian Festival. I felt very comfortable early with the 5:53 and settled in too much in the 2nd mile as we went through farmland on a beautiful and crisp sunny morning. I latched onto another guy during the 3rd and 4th miles and was really proud to have stayed strong. I was hurting after that but really only started to fade at around 5.5 miles. I managed to fight off the first female finisher of the race in the last quarter mile, she had a very strong finish though. All in all I was very pleased with this run and hope next time to finish under 6:00/mi!

I was 14th OA and 1st in the 20-24 AG. The results are found here:

It was interesting that everyone ahead of me was older. Many seasoned veterans in this classic race. I was excited to have had the opportunity to run this one!

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 1:44:15 (7:39)
Holy crap! So fast. 4:43 PR. Slow for the first mile and a half, not great for the next two miles, then just better and better. At the top I was pretty sure I'd PR based on my time and how I felt, and I knew I'd have a PR when I checked my watch when I was getting water. At 3 miles to go I thought I had a chance at sub-1:45, so I went for it, especially in the last mile and a half. Didn't think I'd quite gotten it when I finished, but then looked at my watch and realized I'd done the last 1.5mi at 6:06 pace, and broken 1:45 by fifteen seconds. I think being at a race this morning (went and watched Zack PR in the 10k by 44 seconds) got me pumped. Also yesterday being so damn slow I guess functioned as a recovery day...I'll pretend I planned it that way.
Four (4) pull-ups. Splits: 12:38, 14:56, 8:46, 6:46, 7:20, 3:24, 3:17 (57:10) / 3:05, 2:33, 5:46, 5:37, 7:39, 13:12, 9:09.

Steve - 3

25:36 (8:32)

I hadn't run since last Saturday. Been looking at some bicycles recently. I borrowed a bike from a friend and rode into work (~10 mi) a few times which was cool. Ultimately, I ended up buying a lower end road bike on Friday. I finally took it out for a spin on Sunday and it was fun. I did about a 15 miles in 69 minutes. I decided for the foreseeable near future I'm going to ride or run every day. Since my foot isn't fully recovered, I don't think it can take the pounding of running consecutive days. I'll probably commute to and from work and then run the other days. The commute to work is cool cuz I can take a bike path along the beach for about 2/3 of the route. Once I get to Santa Monica, I just need to ride up a mile or so in bike lanes to get to my office.

Chris - 3.1

19:36 - 6:17 pace

Crawfish Crawl 5k. This was the start to a long, busy, fun day for me. After the 5k I have a 9 hole church golf tournament to go play in with my dad, then we're driving up to Seattle with my mom to watch the Red Sox play the Mariners!

Jeeni and I didn't arrive there as early as I had hoped, so I didn't have as much time to warm up as I wanted - especially considering I'm nursing a hamstring injury. I also somehow forgot my freaking watch, so I had to borrow Jeeni's so I'd at least have an idea of my pace. Her watch didn't do splits though, so that sucked. We met up with Patrick, who is a guy I work with that took up running this year and this is his first race ever. So I was pretty excited for him to experience that. We picked up our packets, put on bibs and dropped off our bags at the bag check before I went off by myself to warm up while they did their own warmup. While I was stretching my calves by this hotel place, a young teenager asked me if I was running in a race, to which I responded, "Yeah there's a 5k this morning across the lake". He said, "Oh fun, well best of luck to you" and went back inside. I caught a cold earlier this week and my energy has really been sapped, so I was thinking I really WOULD need some luck to even break 19.

I finished stretching and ran back to where the start line was, found Pat and Jeeni to exchange 'good lucks', stretched a bit more and shook out my legs, then ran up as close to the start line as I could before the gun went off. This race wasn't chip timed so I wanted my time to be accurate. I started off feeling great, and maintained what I thought was the perfect pace for the first mile. I came through at 6:04 and was very happy with that. In the second mile I got passed by a couple people, which concerned me a little but not too much considering that usually happens to me in 5k's. At the turnaround point I was thinking I was going a bit slower, and that got confirmed when I went by the 2nd mile mark and the guy in front of me told some friends of his he did 6:10-6:15 for mile 2. I knew at that point it would be a long shot for me to break 19 because I was really feeling weak and didn't have much power in my stride. I still was able to pass a couple people in the last mile and on the last .1, but didn't even have enough to get up on my toes for the final sprint - I just legged it out. The clock said mid 19's as I crossed the finish, but I was hoping that was somehow off. I definitely gave it all I have though - I just about doubled over after I finished due to lack of oxygen and my stomach being in knots.

I walked back up the road a bit to wait and cheer for Jeeni and Patrick (she decided to just run with him), and they ended up finishing around 28 minutes. Pat sounded like he had a really good time, so that made me happy. We stretched a bit, had some free Jamba Juice, and then I had to leave to go play golf!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 2:02:00 (8:58)
Uuuuuggggghhhhh. I'm so tired! Almost a minute slower per mile than yesterday. So glad it's Friday...I'm gonna sleep a ton this weekend. The run started out slow, and then I never got faster. 'Twas rough.
Three (3) pull-ups. Splits: 13:12, 16:02, 9:45, 7:53, 8:30, 3:57, 3:26 (62:47) / 3:37, 3:03, 7:06, 7:30, 9:13, 16:17, 12:24.

James - 1.9


First run in Crestview, in the Florida panhandle, where Alisons relatives live in close proximity to one another. The theme in this immediate area is big houses, somewhat rural and natury rather than suburban, not too many cars (the town proper is more urban).

Alisons 79 year old grandparents walk a couple of miles 4 times a week, so we went with them, where they have figured out how far a mile is (I measured it to be 0.95, but I won't tell them). I then went out again and ran. It was dark.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Zack - 5.5

No time

Short loop of Pre's Trail, easy in preparation of Saturday AM race and residual fatigue that is lingering.

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 1:48:58 (8:00)
Another good PR! Started out really really slow, but a little ways up Fox Hollow I started feeling much better, and was just generally not bad most of the rest of the way. At three miles to go I saw that 7-minute pace would get me twenty seconds under my PR, so I picked it up, and it felt good so I kept it up.
Four (4) pull-ups. Splits: 12:43, 15:27, 9:03, 7:16, 7:53, 3:47, 3:21 (59:32) / 3:37, 2:39, 6:05, 5:49, 7:48, 13:07, 10:16.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

James - 3.1


I learned a lesson today. If you're not up to it, don't start at 8mph. From 10 minutes onward I continuously slowed, all the way to 5.5mph. Was still exhausted, and got blisters and thigh burn to show for it. Not even as fast as my best 5K this year! I'm feeling okay a few hours later though.

Zack - 4.25

32:54 (7:44)

Amazon loops after 3 pints of homebrew at a work bbq. These were at 10PM and not easy.

Splits: 7:58, 7:52, 7:50.

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 1:50:07 (8:05)
A very good butte run. Took my camera along and took a picture at each place I take a split. Follow along now as I take you on my daily August run.
(I'll post a picture for each "checkpoint" (click a picture to see it full-sized), and link to the extra pictures I took.)

I start at 20th and Hilyard, heading East. A couple minutes in I cross the South Eugene High School track, and I can see Spencer's Butte looming in the background.

The first checkpoint is the start of the Rexius trail.

The next checkpoint is when the hills start: Fox Hollow starts when I step onto this bridge...

...and ends when I pass this black post. This is the Fox Hollow parking lot; from here I'll cross Fox Hollow Road and head up some more.

This is the post that I call "The" post; it's the turnoff for the butte. (Going straight would lead to Willamette Street.)

This post I've started calling "the T"'s a clearing where the short route up the butte, from Willamette, meets the long route (my route), from Ridgeline.

This is the point where I used to stop my watch and hike the rest of the way. From here I make a hairpin turn to the right and it's a half-run, half-hike struggle to the top.

And here's the top! I go around the backside of the boulder on top and finish at the rock you can just see on the right side of the trail. If the triangular slab on top of the boulders is vacant, I climb on up and get the 360º view for a few seconds, otherwise I just walk around a bit while I'm having my gel. Here are a few pictures I took at the top (I was going to take a video but completely forgot until I was 4-5 minutes down the hill...I didn't feel like heading back up...): 1 2 3 4 5 6

This is a view of that same checkpoint, but from the opposite direction since I'm about to head down. (The rock is that one on the left, just in the grass.)

The bottom of the rocks from the opposite viewpoint.

The view from the "T", heading into the forest.

The Post--from here I'll take a right. (I took an extra picture because I wasn't sure the first turned out, and I took a picture from the view of someone coming from Willamette Street.)

Now I'm back at Fox Hollow, about to head down.

Finally out of the woods. It's flat from here on out, and best of all, there's water! A lady that lives at the bottom of the trail puts out a cooler with gallon jugs of water, cups, and a bowl for dogs. Here's a picture of it!

The last quarter-mile post of Rexius. From here I cross the street (this is the only street-crossing on the entire run where I have to wait at all) and get on the trail kitty-corner to Rexius. That trail takes me to the Amazon trail, which takes me...

...home! Back on good old Hilyard Street; from here I walk the half-block to the house and get some water, chocolate milk, and beer.

Oh and since I know you're keeping track at home, I did three (3) pull-ups today, and my splits were: 12:12, 15:15, 9:08, 7:11, 8:01, 3:37, 3:12 (58:38) / 3:26, 2:40, 6:13, 6:06, 7:57, 14:06, 10:58.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Zack - 6.5

49:56 (7:40)

Rexius easy. 3 pullups, 4 chinups.

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 1:56:00 (8:31)
Not as bad a run as the time might make you think...plenty of bad spots, but mostly I was just taking it real easy. Body was definitely tired, but I managed to finish okay. Three (3) pull-ups. Splits: 12:59, 15:39, 9:52, 7:54, 8:18, 3:50, 3:19 (61:54) / 3:42, 2:54, 7:00, 6:55, 6:52, 14:40, 12:01.

Monday, August 8, 2011

James - 2.6


Newest buddy Runners World has all these tips on running slower occasionally to let muscles improve etc. Since my schedule puts me on a 3 day week every other week and I had been thinking about only going for it on the 4 day week anyway, I decided to try going easier at the gym tonight. Dunno if 30 minutes (with toilet break) and 5mph up to 5.7mph is taking it easy enough, because I am still sore, but I guess I'll see in a few runs time. What do you guys think?

Zack - 6.1

46:42 (7:39)

Pre's loop. Left hamstring tight, likely from swimming.

Chris - 6.1

Mile time trial! Then 4.1 mile jog after: 38:32 - 9:23 pace

After work Jeeni and I drove over to the Southridge High School track so I could run a mile time trial. Unfortunately when we got there, there were a ton of people on the field and on one corner of the track. It looked like some sort of pee wee football camp or something. We ran 4 warmup laps, and I was hoping people would catch on and stay off at least lane 1. No such luck. I stopped and asked one grown up if they could try to stay off the inside lane in hopes he might help out. I started out feeling pretty good, but I didn't get much sleep last night and felt it after I got through lap 1 in 1:15. I asked her to walk up and try to clear people off lane 1 so I didn't accidentally knock over some little kid. Lap 2 came and went in 1:26, and going into lap 3 I didn't feel like I had much energy or spring in my legs, so I was worried about breaking my PR. Jeeni did a decent job of getting at least the kids to pay attention as I came around the corner, but I still had to break outside about 4 or 5 lanes to run around a group of coaches (idiots). Finished lap 3 in 1:29. I decided afterwards if all those people weren't there, I probably would have kicked from 200 out instead of 100. So as it was I got through lap 4 at 1:23 for a total time of 5:34 - 3 seconds off my PR. After getting my breath back she and I ran an easy 4 miler, then went to 7/11 and got Slurpees.

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 1:57:06 (8:36)
Theeeeeeeere it is. There's the bad run. It was my stomach...had to stop a lot and just generally had pain and couldn't run. It was hurting before I even started running so I figured it wouldn't be pretty. Some stretches were okay but most of the second half was pretty bad. Three (3) pull-ups. Splits: 12:16, 14:46, 9:08, 7:40, 8:17, 3:50, 3:28 (59:28) / 3:22, 2:54, 6:47, 6:53, 8:36, 16:19, 12:44.

Alison - 0.5

Happy Helter Skelter Day?

This was a very slow run (8 minutes) but I had done 40 mins of abs & weight training so I was wiped.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Zack - 7.8

58:26 (7:29)

Pre's Trail, plenty of energy. Enjoyed this one.

Also swam 1500m long-course laps at the Amazon Pool. Killer training day.

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 1:49:41 (8:03)
Well I guess 8-minute pace isn't blazing, but I was killing it there at the end. 6:27 pace the last three miles. My legs were feeling really tired most of the run (so much so that I tripped and fell three times--not bad falls though, caught myself with my hands each time), so coming down the last three sections before the bottom of the hill I just tried to go as easy as possible. I kept telling myself to "drink in the easiness like Kool-Aid," whatever that means. Like I said, I was pretty out of it. Anyway, at the bottom of the hill my overall time was so slow that while I was getting water I went through my splits to see if I'd left my watch on while I was eating my gel at the top or something. (I hadn't.) I always plan on 8-minute pace, and I realized even that would put me at 1:54:30...I wanted to at least give myself a chance to continue my streak of being faster every day, so when I started running again I went a decent pace. It felt okay so I kept picking it up, and ended up doing about 6:40 pace for most of Rexius, and was feeling great. Did four (4) pull-ups and kept picking it up to end up absolutely killing my PR. There is a very small chance I'll be faster again tomorrow, since I'll have an extra few hours of rest since I ran earlier today, but I will certainly not be able to keep up the improvement for any more than that.
Splits: 12:36, 14:48, 9:21, 7:17, 8:17, 4:05, 3:21 (59:48) / 3:46, 2:51, 6:39, 6:36, 7:47, 12:36, 9:33.

Weekly Mileage Totals, 7/31-8/6

Luke - 81.6 (6)
Chris - 35.16 (7)
James - 13.3 (4)
Steve - 6.75 (3)
Alison - 2 (1)

5 runners, 20 runs, 136.21 miles.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

James - 3.4


Hell yeah. New distance on the regular trail route. I WILL FIND THE END!

So we were looking at magazines in a store last night. As usual I shared my disbelief at the existence of the gun section. How much could there be to say about guns, not only to make a new issue every month, but to justify what seems like a dozen different titles? In the struggling magazine industry no less? There's probably a lot of recycled material.

But then, to show I was being fair, I applied the same logic to a topic I don't think is completely fucking ridiculous. How much could there be to say about running, not only to make a new issue every month, but to justify what seems like a dozen different titles? In the struggling magazine industry no less? There's probably a lot of recycled material.

So uh, needless to say I picked up Runners World to give it a try and I wonder if it will be the last. Might have some useful ideas. Alison said it was generally marketed to women. I haven't read much yet, but I found this interesting video about what your fee goes into when you pay for a marathon.

Chris - 4.17

34:26 - 8:15 pace

Did this run in the morning before work, and Jeeni rode my bike next to me. Had a little more energy than I did yesterday, but after doing 7 runs in a week for the first time ever I suppose I'd feel a tad tired. Only thing of note that happened on the run was my bike chain falling off when she was trying to go up a hill and I had to stop and fix it.

Steve - 2.6


My furthest run yet. My foot still doesnt quite feel like I can run that much on it. I'm gradually building some mileage though in a way that shouldn't set me back. 3 runs this week for 6+ miles. Not too bad considering I wasn't able to run for about 3 months.

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 1:50:52 (8:09)
Oh no, faster again! Today felt so much easier than the other days...I guess sitting around all day is a lot better for running than working (mostly on my feet) for ten hours. My legs were pretty sore, and my hip was hurting a bit from yesterday's fall, but my energy level was just way higher. Three (3) pull-ups.
Splits: 12:34, 14:59, 8:55, 6:59, 8:17, 3:57, 3:25 (59:10) / 3:36, 2:49, 6:23, 5:52, 7:20, 14:07, 11:31.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Chris - 3

26:09 - 8:43 pace

Ran during lunch @ work. Took this one slow, I'm pretty tight and tired from the long tempo run yesterday.

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 1:51:44 (8:12)
Butte again! I continue to improve slightly each day...I fear I'm setting a dangerous precedent and will be killing myself every run trying to stay faster than the day before. If I get slower, no one get angry at me!
Started out pretty slow again but got going after not too long. As I was coming down the Butte, right near the top, I slipped on a rock and my face slammed into it. I was even trying to be careful, I just spaced out for a second and my foot found a smooth dusty rock and I was on the ground. A woman near me stopped and asked if I was okay, and confirmed that I wasn't bleeding. After I got up and started back down, another woman in the same group told me she admired my dedication: the first thing I'd done when I fell was hit my watch. When I got back and looked in the mirror I found that I'd skinned my cheek--it looks pretty gnarly, but I think it won't look so bad once I shower up (right now my right side is covered in dirt).
Other than the fall, a pretty swell run. Two (2) pull-ups.
Splits: 12:45, 15:27, 9:11, 7:01, 7:59, 3:41, 3:19 (59:27) / 3:25, 2:48, 6:28, 6:04, 7:17, 14:55, 11:17.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

James - 3.3


Before starting I jogged/walked a little bit (returning redbox DVDs) and felt pretty sore and stiff again. I was concerned and decided to try running at a slightly slower pace and going a further distance. I did run a little slower but not by much as you can calculate here. I couldn't help speeding up at the end. The cool thing is that while this run was hard, it wasn't the exhaustion-fest that all other runs have been recently. I don't want to speak too soon but maybe my new goal will be to stay above 3 miles on each run.

Chris - 8.1

55:54 - 6:54 pace

Ran after work. After doing 7:20 pace last week and feeling pretty good, I wanted to push it a little bit and give myself a good tempo workout. I'm really happy with this time! Plus I haven't run after dark in awhile, so that was fun too.

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 1:52:17 (8:15)
Woke up feeling pretty sore all over, and the start of the run was really slow, but I felt much better the last few miles. I have gotten faster each of the last three days, but every day the first-half split has been slower than the day before. Interesting. Oh I'm doing this run every day this month by the way. Three (3) pull-ups today.
Splits: 12:49, 16:05, 9:07, 7:14, 8:17, 4:04, 3:15 (60:56) / 3:21, 2:53, 6:19, 5:32, 7:31, 14:09, 11:33.

Alison - 2.0

That's right running fans. I am bringing the XX chromosomes back to Some Running.

I ran next to James at first but my treadmill was wonky and kept stopping after 3 minutes. I switched treadmills and did my last mile further away. The last mile had a 13:01 pace. That is embarrassing considering my PB mile 4 years ago or so was around 8 I think. The increase is my mile is basically what Luke runs one mile in. Not to say that a 13-minute mile is my personal best! But I think it probably is indeed around 12 :(

Well I am back on the proverbial horse at least. Something about visiting my old law school gave me the urge to run again I guess.

Today someone had on a Germany tee at the gym and I said, "Oh, Deutschland!" and the wearer of this tee thought I said "Dorkland" and that I was taking the mickey so I explained that I said Deutschland and he told me he had no idea what I was talking about. At this point I realized that he is one of those sports guys who likes Germany as his "team" and has been probably watching World Cup somethingorather. Women's Soccer maybe? Odd encounter.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Chris - 4.2

38:58 - 9:16 pace

Ran with Jeeni after work on a route by her house. We had a pretty extensive discussion about how many miles you can put on running shoes before they start to break down and you need new ones. Hadn't someone on here told me (Steve I think) that its typically around 500 miles that you should get new shoes? She told me some of her long distance friends had told her to get new ones after a couple hundred miles. That doesn't seem very long - Luke would be getting new shoes every few months!

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 1:52:20 (8:15)
Oh no, I accidentally ran the hardest run in Eugene again! That's three days in a row now. And I got slightly faster again! The last couple miles felt a lot better than they had the past couple times--actually had some energy left. I did two (2) pull-ups a mile from home again. Splits: 12:39, 15:38, 9:10, 7:14, 7:42, 3:46, 3:26 (59:38) / 3:13, 2:58, 6:28, 4:58, 7:41, 15:33, 11:47.

Chris - 4.2

34:16 - 8:09 pace

Ran during lunch with Darren. Slower pace because he hasn't been running very much lately and was really feeling the heat on the way back. I felt great except for my left hammy still bugging me.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

James - 3.15


I had a sore shoulder all day, so Alison helped me with some more gym training/warm-up before this run. I also realised that being a better runner is going to rely on losing some of the weight I've gained and that means doing some of those other exercises that I don't give a crap about. Ironic really. I did the extra 0.05 just so that combined with my run from the other day I'd have a total with 1 decimal (just for fun). 6.6 so far this week!

Steve - 2


My third run. Did this one on a treadmill at the gym so I could row some and workout. Nothing really else to say besides it's hard to go slow. I feel like I can run really fast but I don't want to push it and aggravate the foot.

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 1:52:50 (8:17)
Same run as yesterday. What am I, crazy?! Yeah, probably. Felt ever so slightly better today, and was ever so slightly faster (17 seconds). Did two (2) pull-ups a mile from home. Splits: 12:36, 14:56, 9:06, 7:16, 8:00, 4:04, 3:15 (59:17) / 3:25, 2:51, 6:32, 5:51, 7:07, 14:52, 12:51.

Chris - 6.45

57:14 - 8:52 pace

Ran before work since I'm 11-8 this week. Basically rolled out of bed and onto the street. My legs felt devoid of energy for pretty much the whole run. Tomorrow I'm doing 4.2 during lunch, then 4 after I get home from work.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 1:53:07 (8:19)
All the way to the top of the butte. Some struggling here and there, but made it back feeling not absolutely dead. Did one (1) pull-up on the way back, a mile from home. Splits were 12:07, 14:50, 8:56 (up Fox Hollow), 7:24, 8:01, 4:08, 3:35 (59:04) / 3:35, 3:01, 6:54, 5:26, 8:13 (down FH), 14:39, 12:10. Be sure to study these numbers thoroughly, as they are very important!

Chris - 5.04

38:52 - 7:42 pace

Got in a decent run on my day off this week. I realized a bit after I had left the house that I forgot to put on sunscreen, and that I forgot to start the drier for my clothes (doh!). I tried wearing some short soccer shorts I have with no shirt and my lightweight Musha's - felt like I had a lot less weighing me down with that combo. Time to clean up and go meet up with Jeeni - she's going to attempt to teach me how to throw the javelin! Should be fun.