Friday, August 19, 2011

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 1:50:52 (8:09)
After sleeping 13.5 hours, I felt pretty relaxed, and had another decent run. Tried going out a bit faster than usual, and I do think it took some of the energy out of my legs for the descent. Finished okay, just four seconds behind yesterday's time, and I finally managed five (5) pull-ups. Splits: 11:37, 14:06, 9:08, 7:19, 8:10, 4:03, 3:06 (57:32) / 3:31, 3:02, 6:51, 6:25, 8:20, 14:04, 11:03.


  1. when/where do you do the pullups on the run? i think i missed the origin of that. i commend your wellroundedness (sp?)

  2. It's about a mile from home...on the bark loop that I do quite often (I call it Amazon and it's the trail that I'm talking about whenever I have a post of "mile loops of x:xx, x:xx, and x:xx") there's a little area with a couple pullup bars, two bars for dips, some incline situp things, and some stuff that I don't even know how one is supposed to use.
