Monday, August 29, 2011

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 2:01:03 (8:54)
Bah. I'm pretty mad at myself...last night I didn't get to bed until 9:30, which means I'm gonna be behind on sleep the entire week. No excuse not to get to bed early on Sunday, just laziness. Not only am I behind on sleep to start out, I'm dragging ass between getting home from work and going running so I end up running too late, therefore getting to bed too late, and it's just a downward spiral. Anyway yeah this run sucked, only a couple of okay sections. 9:00 pace the last four miles or so.
Two (2) pull-ups. Splits: 13:17., 15:19, 8:44, 7:11, 8:09, 3:57, 3:36 (60:16) / 3:48, 3:07, 7:12, 7:02, 9:04, 17:02, 13:30.


  1. That sucks, getting behind on sleep is annoying. Also...does anyone care if I write the longest recap ever about my Hood to Coast experience? It was a blast!

  2. Please do! You owe us for not writing a recap for your marathon.

  3. Good point. I didn't feel like writing a recap for that because I was so disappointed with how I did. Maybe I'll get around to doing it one day...

  4. You're almost there Luke! Don't worry, you can drop back down to my mileage soon.
