Monday, August 22, 2011

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 99:32 (7:19)
Well, folks, that right there's about as good as she gets. Started off pretty quick but didn't think I'd be able to keep it up. Fastest first half ever, and I thought maybe I'd have a chance at a PR...I knew my best second half ever was 45 minutes flat, and I was just under 56 at the top, so I figured I'd be cutting it close to PR, since that 45:00 was super-quick. Flew down the hills, except decided to take one section a bit easier, and got it in my head that sub-1:40 might be possible. Needed right near 6-flat pace the last 4+ miles to get it, so I pushed pretty hard. 6:05 pace on Rexius, then 5:55 pace last 1.5 miles. Tomorrow's gonna be rough...
Four (4) pull-ups. Splits: 12:25, 14:34, 8:22, 6:26, 7:18, 3:32, 3:14 (55:53) / 3:17, 2:22, 5:27, 6:01, 6:06, 11:32, 8:52.

1 comment:

  1. Man you killed it! Haha and yes tomorrow is definitely going to be a tough one...
