Tuesday, August 23, 2011

James - 3.1


Felt really good during and after this run, I think it's because I ate a very large amount of food today, and the healthy kind. Thank you lovely wife.

So I started back at college today. Boooo. The gym visit here was late at night, after my 7pm journalism class. The prof told us he writes sports, health and fitness, yoga pieces, etc. And he kept comparing learning how to write with running a marathon - you don't just go out on day 1 and do 26 miles. When it came to us spending 10 minutes doing stream-of-consciousness writing I wrote about how I was going to the gym afterwards, and some of the book things from this earlier post. Funnily, one other person made the connection and wrote about how she started training for a race yesterday (there's only 8 in the class). I also wrote of how, on the walk to college, I tried to jump over a ditch filled with murky Florida rainwater and got it all the way up to both ankles, over my running shoes. Nice.

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