Saturday, August 27, 2011

James - 3.35



I wanted to run 4 miles. That would have been a new distance record and it would have given me a new weekly record (by 0.05miles). I calculated that I'd have to run around the apartment complex 7 and a bit times, which seemed daunting. I decided to stop after 6 and be humble.

After showering, and whilst trying to eat, I got weird twisty backpains. Within an hour I was dead asleep, for 11 hours. I'd been a bit behind on my sleep, but that was not the expected reaction. I didn't even make my update or brush my teeth and I'm normally pretty religious about that.

Edit: I don't know if it had anything to do with it (I doubt it) but we tried these new energy supplements. Before the run I had New Whey liquid protein (maybe I should have had it immediately before going instead of half an hours?). After I had Muscle Milk Light (strangely, vegan) and we also got all these CVS protein drinks that we're going to try every day.


  1. Nice run but be careful!

    As for the energy supplements, try some AFTER you run. In my experience, it takes a lot of practice to be able to eat heartier foods (and protein) prior to a tough effort. Stick with blander foods: oatmeal, toast, fruits, cereal, quinoa/brown rice and veggies, or maybe even eggs. Are you a vegan? I am certainly not but enjoy a plant based diet for the most part with a only a modest amount of dairy and meat.

    My new favorite energy drink lately (vegan too) is:
    1.5 cups apple juice.
    1 banana
    1 tbsp chia seeds
    1 tbsp flax seeds
    1 tbsp cacao nibs
    1-2 large leafs kale (no stems)
    1 tbsp coconut oil (for good fats/extra calories).

    I think protein powders can work well too, but I have just went the cheaper route with recovery from foods instead of the powders.

  2. Nice I do a similar one. One apple, one orange, one banana, mix of frozen berries, frozen mango, frozen, pineapple, and chia seeds. I tried it with a celery stalk yesterday with surprising results. Might have to try some kale too...

  3. Wow, thanks Zack! I'll try something like that recipe sometime (you're obviously a better shopper than me, I'd find it hard to have all those things on hand at once). And yes I am vegan (though I don't mind trace amounts of dairy here and there). And Alison is largely vegan.

    Oh and we lost a blender about a year ago to breakage, so that would need rectifying too.
