Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Chris - 4.2

38:58 - 9:16 pace

Ran with Jeeni after work on a route by her house. We had a pretty extensive discussion about how many miles you can put on running shoes before they start to break down and you need new ones. Hadn't someone on here told me (Steve I think) that its typically around 500 miles that you should get new shoes? She told me some of her long distance friends had told her to get new ones after a couple hundred miles. That doesn't seem very long - Luke would be getting new shoes every few months!


  1. 300-500 is common, but some people find that putting 1000-2000+ on a pair feels fine and doesn't cause injury. As with most things, I encourage people to go by feel rather than a number.

  2. Yeh agree totally. The kind of miles I think is important too. Road miles have more impact than trail or soft surface miles. The more cushioning the shoe has also means the shorter the life span of the shoe I think
