Monday, August 22, 2011

Chris - 4.17

34:51 - 8:21 pace

This is one of two easy 4 milers I will be doing this week before the Hood to Coast starts to Friday. I ran pretty late at night b/c I had to go get my car from the mechanic's after work, which involved picking up one of my parents so they could drop me off with my car. What a perfect night for a solo run...70* and hardly a soul to be seen out this late. Nights like this remind me of why I enjoy running so much! That and thinking about how much fun the Hood to Coast will be this weekend! Woot woot!

Oh also, I don't think I told you all that everyone on my team is growing a mustache for the race. We also bought team t-shirts, which are SURE to make you laugh. They are pretty freaking awesome. A little background story - our original name was the Majestic Unicorns, but then they changed it to the Majestic 12 since there are 12 of us on the team. Anyway, our team photo at the end will be of 12 grown men with mustaches wearing awesome purple unicorn shirts. You just can't beat it. It shall be epic.