Friday, August 5, 2011

Luke - 13.6

13.6mi, 1:51:44 (8:12)
Butte again! I continue to improve slightly each day...I fear I'm setting a dangerous precedent and will be killing myself every run trying to stay faster than the day before. If I get slower, no one get angry at me!
Started out pretty slow again but got going after not too long. As I was coming down the Butte, right near the top, I slipped on a rock and my face slammed into it. I was even trying to be careful, I just spaced out for a second and my foot found a smooth dusty rock and I was on the ground. A woman near me stopped and asked if I was okay, and confirmed that I wasn't bleeding. After I got up and started back down, another woman in the same group told me she admired my dedication: the first thing I'd done when I fell was hit my watch. When I got back and looked in the mirror I found that I'd skinned my cheek--it looks pretty gnarly, but I think it won't look so bad once I shower up (right now my right side is covered in dirt).
Other than the fall, a pretty swell run. Two (2) pull-ups.
Splits: 12:45, 15:27, 9:11, 7:01, 7:59, 3:41, 3:19 (59:27) / 3:25, 2:48, 6:28, 6:04, 7:17, 14:55, 11:17.


  1. Speaking of dedication, you did this update before you showered? Even with the addition of blood and dirt?

    I love it when this sort of spice is added to the blog (sorry you got hurt though).

  2. No blood, just dirt. And yeah, I need a bit of time to cool down after a run before a shower, so I try to get the post up during that time so I don't forget and end up with a handful of updates "due" at the end of the week.

  3. Ah, my mistake. Still pretty fucking cool though.
