Saturday, October 15, 2011

Steve - 5.14


My watch is currently MIA but I think this run was about 44. Ran around my neighborhood and did two loops on the short dirt path that goes down to the beach.


  1. I just reviewed my log on and I've averaged about 45 miles/week on the bike the last 10 weeks. So I'm hoping that will contribute to my running fitness. Assuming I run today and/or tomorrow, it will be my 3rd week in a row over 10 miles. Feels good to be back. I'm hoping the slight pain in my foot will go away at some point. I might try acupuncture next week. Also, I just got my final bill for my surgery. I'm gonna end up paying 4500 out of my own pocket. Insurance in this country is really a joke. The costs for things are so inflated that even after the insurance pays their share, the costs to the insured are ridiculous.

  2. Too right Steve. Nothing but experiencing it can prepare you for the letters, the bills, the phone calls, the expense, the insurance rip-offs, the constant shadows and pain-in-the-fucking-arse that is American healthcare. A few weeks ago a doctor actually told me that she thought UK healthcare was free because it was no good! Don't let anyone ever fool you into thinking that you're being selfish for expecting, at the very least, reasonably cheap healthcare. I'm no patriot as you all know but this is one issue where there is a clearly miles better system.
