Wednesday, November 9, 2011

James - 3.1


It's time for another edition of connecting running to radical and anti-capitalist politics!

The Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy (phew) posted this blog post last week: The Tyranny of Comfort
In a lengthy tirade on the subject, Edward Abbey exhorted tourists to exit their vehicles and subject themselves to the wonderful discomfort of the desert (from Desert Solitaire):

“Look here, I want to say, for godsake folks get out of them there machines, take off those fucking sunglasses and unpeel both eyeballs, look around; throw away those goddamned idiotic cameras! For chrissake folks what is this life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare? Take off your shoes for a while, unzip your fly, piss hearty, dig your toes in the hot sand, feel that raw and rugged earth, split a couple of big toenails, draw blood! Why not? Jesus Christ, lady, roll that window down! You can’t see the desert if you can’t smell it! Dusty! Of course it’s dusty – this is Utah! But it’s good dust, good red Utahn dust, rich in iron, rich in irony. Turn that motor off. Get out of that piece of iron and stretch your varicose veins, take off your brassiere and get some hot sun on your old wrinkled dugs… …Yes sir, yes madam, I entreat you, get out of those motorized wheelchairs, get off your foam rubber backsides, stand up straight like men! like women! like human beings! and walk — walk — WALK upon our sweet and blessed land!”

Marketers and consumers share the blame. Ubiquitous ads convince us how much more comfortable we’ll be when we own [insert your favorite overblown, overpriced product here]. And we consistently convince ourselves that we can satisfy our needs by purchasing evermore “comfortable crap.” It’s as if the purpose of the economy is to make sure we’re comfortable.
Comfort is ruining the planet! Run into pain, feel the wind in your face, and enjoy the heightened pleasure later!


  1. I'm glad we have James on this blog to keep things interesting.

  2. Haha, thanks guys, glad you enjoyed it. I try to keep the "interesting" posts to a minumum, running for the sake of running is of course paramount here...
