Monday, November 7, 2011

Luke - 4.25

4.25mi, 33:10 (7:48)
Mile loops of 8:22, 8:09, and 6:17. The other day I spent a bunch of money on running stuff: got a pair of shoes and two pairs of shorts for super-cheap, and bought a really expensive toy: a GPS watch. The package came today so I threw on the Garmin and headed out real quick for a run, without setting up anything custom. Here's the result...apparently it's slightly shorter than we have been calling it, but I'm still gonna keep calling it four and a quarter. I'm excited to do some more adventurous runs with the Garmin, it's fun to geek out on information for a run.


  1. you traitor! I thought you were a "soul runner." oh well just dont become one of those dorks that always complains at races that the course was 3.15 miles on your GPS. so funny how often I hear people complaining like that at very races.

  2. Yeah nah I'm just using it on exploratory runs, mostly to check out mileage and elevation. I'm still calling my four and a quarter 4.25 even though it's 4.17, and our long run on Sunday was 16.08 on the Garmin one of the runners had but I'm still calling it 16.
