Friday, June 15, 2012

Lauren - 2.605

It's a Twofer Friday! This morning's run was curtailed by the occupation in which I currently earn money, which warranted a shower beforehand. As I bopped and interjected Batman references into my SAT Essay Writing Class, my mind pined for the track, and what baby wants, baby gets. Quite proud of this record. Inching my way up to that first goal of 5 miles/week. Goooo Team Legs!


  1. Okay, not to be a total nimrod, but SAT Essay? I totally have no recollection of writing an essay at all, but I guess it's been nearly 15 years since I took it.

  2. 12 years ago, it had one for certain. They're usually broad topics that ask you to engage any relevant examples from your studies, observation, personal experiences, blah, blah, blah...zzzz, and the section is 25 minutes. The ACT now has an essay component; THAT is a recent development.

  3. Ahhh, weird, I guess that addition was just not on my radar. I took it back in the good ole 1600 days.

  4. I did, too! So much that I have to apologize to my students when I mix up the numbers (all the time).
