Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Chris - 5.05

42:17 - 8:22 pace

I have to rush off to get to Jeeni's volleyball game she's coaching, but I wanted to blog this real quick b/c something interesting happened! Not even a mile into my run I passed a couple kids that were probably 15 or so, sitting on a bench. As I passed them they raised up their hands and clapped, "go go, you can do it!". I figured they were being wise-asses, so I put up my arm and waved and said, "come run with me!". I get about 10 yards up the road, and here come these two guys running up next to me with their backpacks on and everything. I chatted with the first guy Zach, he asked if I went to Wilson High and why I was running. I was pretty entertained that they actually responded to my beckoning to come run with me! Good stuff. Other than that the run was fine. I have a 5 mile pace run tomorrow, a 5 miler again on Thur, then the big 20 miler on Saturday. Woot!


  1. This place is like a ghost town...

  2. You weren't kidding Chris! I've been too depressed to come here because I still have the same ankle injury, but jeez, this is a surprise.

    Re this entry: that's a great story! Well done saying something that had you covered whether they were being sincere or wise-asses, very nuanced work there. I have to admit to being cynical seeing all these things on Facebook about doing positive acts to remember September 11th, but it looks like these kids (and you) really heeded it (assuming the date here matches the story).

    I do have an entry to make, as it happens. Off to make it now...
