Saturday, September 15, 2012

Chris - 20.18

186:28 - 9:14 pace

I'm really happy with how this run went, and with how I feel afterward so far! I ran this a full 2 minutes faster than the 20 miler last year with Jeeni. Good for about 12 seconds faster per mile. I haven't had my ice bath yet, but I barely feel like I need to. I'm going to anyways, but that's still a good sign. Jeeni's volleyball team (Century High School varsity) has a tournament in Tualatin all day, so my dad volunteered to drive out to Hillsboro and meet me at various spots along my route to give me water and extra gel packs so I wouldn't have to carry everything myself the whole way. He was a huge help - I bought him lunch afterward at the Rock Creek Corner Pub. I saw a huge hawk along the run, sitting on a telephone pole scouting out the fields. I also was passed by about 20 road bikes out for a morning ride. My knees tightened up at times, but then would loosen and be fine. I started to run on the sidewalk for a bit after mile 16 or so, but it was noticable how much harder it hit my feet and legs so I crossed the road and ran in the sun in the bike lane. Once I knew I was getting close to the finish - probably about a little less than a mile out - I was able to speed up my pace pretty well without killing myself. I'd guess I was doing between 8-8:15 pace. Nothing better than finishing an epic run with a nice kick and huge smile on your face!


  1. Dude, you're actually doing it.

    Rock Creek Corner Pub manages to sound both quaint and American, very nice. Was the giant hawk scary?

  2. I actually don't remember seeing a giant hawk. Was it shown on the website somewhere?

  3. "I saw a huge hawk along the run, sitting on a telephone pole scouting out the fields."

    -- Chris, this entry!

  4. Haha wow I'm a moron. No it wasn't scary, it was cool!

  5. Well if you can't feel like a Moron (or act like one) on Christmas day, when can you...
