Friday, September 14, 2012

James - 0.9

It's been too long...

I am still nursing the same ankle injury that I sustained at the end of January. I don't know if I'm not doing the right things to treat it, or not enough, or what. I've learned stretches from fitness instructors, been to an Eastern medicine herbal doctor, and gotten an ankle support. A cotton one - maybe I need a more heavy duty one?

Mainly I don't know whether to stay off it or try and train it back to health. I need to find out because it isn't really improving by itself so far. Last week I tried a little run though. I did 0.4, and even at a slow pace it started to get sore, so I stopped. That night I dreamed that my troubles were over and I sprinted past a crowd to win a track race. So I went again the next day, with pretty much the same results as the day before.

In the meantime, as ever, I am going to the gym and trying to keep my strength up. Alison has been kicking the gyms ass and making us do lots of walking because she got a fun pedometer.

Now, can this place be revived!


  1. I've rolled my ankle a couple times playing basketball. Not sure what exactly is the deal with yours, but I tried strengthening it by writing the alphabet in the air with my toes. You lose some range of motion when you get injured, and doing that is supposed to help strengthen the injured muscles/tendons. You can also try balancing on one foot on the floor, then progressing to standing on a pillow. Icing is always good. If you're up for swimming at the gym, that's always a recommended way to rehab just about anything. It's zero impact and not terribly strenuous. Hope that helps man! Injuries suck =/

  2. Thanks for the advice, Chris. You try so many things that you forget some of the suggestions over time. I've tried writing the alphabet since you wrote this, and am going to go back to more icing and swimming. Do you do upper or lower case letters? Hah.

    Also I just nagged Luke to update the site.
