Saturday, January 5, 2013

James - 1.4


I got back from 4 weeks in Manchester on Thursday night. Alison also got back from 2.5 weeks there. It was a great trip, my first in 3 years, with lots of soul-searching. I've come back feeling like Florida is more like home, which is nice. One thing I really wanted to do while there was run with a friend, but it never happened. Since I wasn't staying in the same area as my old house I didn't even get to go for a walk on my old running haunt the canal (well, a little bit one day), though we did see it from the tram window. So I decided to get right into it tonight. The break is because I was returning a DVD. Good health is on the agenda after a month of Epic Meal Time style eating and extreme boozing it up. The quote below shows what I was up against (and willing actor in). Injuries and what ever other problems there might be, be damned, 2013 is going to be great!

Happy New Year my SomeRunning friends!

"So if you add it up we did... 14 shots of vodka each last night."

-- Luke, on day 2 of his Manchester trip. April 2008.

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