Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Chris - 3

22:12 - 7:24 pace

I was originally planning to do ~4 miles on Tue, Thurs, Sat, but since it got cut short yesterday I decided to go again today. I also decided to jump the 'Under Construction' plastic fence and continue on down the path, since no one was there. My knee/hip hasn't been bothering me at all lately, which is awesome. Unfortunately, even though I thought my back injury was going away after I played 18 holes Sunday and it felt fine....I woke up this morning to a very tight and tender lower left back. But whatever, USA WON!!!!!! If you haven't watched the highlights yet, see below.


  1. nice work on the "tresrunning". game was pretty awesome. i was watching. glad i didn't leave for work until after stoppage time. I almost left right before that..

  2. Haha oh man yeah, good thing you didn't! You're going to have to explain the 'tresrunning' comment...
