Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Luke - 3.75

7:30am virtual race 800 against Steve

Warmed up with a couple mile loops...came through the first one at something like 8:30, then intentionally picked it up to around 7:30 for the second one. Did some strides and figured I'd do a hard 400, fully recover, then do the "race" 800. Came through at 34 for the first 200 and decided to just bag the 400 idea and keep going for the full 800. Came through the 400 at 69 and knew I'd be good for sub-2:22, which was my goal. Hit 600 in around 1:45 I think, and kicked in for a 2:18.60 clocking. So splits of 34/35/36/33, or 69/69. Happy with it all.


  1. you sir are faster than me at distances 800m and above! (for now)..

  2. Maybe we should try a 400; we'd probably be pretty close.
