Thursday, April 2, 2009

Chris - 4

So tonight I was looking forward to my run because this week has been stressful and I wanted to get out on the streets and away from that. But I'm also fighting off a slight cold I think; I've been feeling a little drained the past couple days. Anyway, the training schedule Luke made me says 3 miles today! So I get on and figure out a route to do that's about that distance in the neighborhoods around here....and end up getting lost twice and ran about 4 miles instead! Slightly aggrevating since it was dark and a bit chilly, but whatever. The route I ended up taking did have a bunch of hills, so that was a nice change of pace. Basically the first half of the run was uphill (varying grades of it) and the second half was downhill. My hip started feeling weird about a mile or so in, but ended up being mostly okay for the entire run. I walked a little when I was lost, and down part of the steeper hills, but 95% of the time I was running. I think I also stopped my watch when I was walking to make up for that. Final time was 31:59 over 4 miles or so, so about an 8 minute pace.


  1. Funny getting lost story!

    Maybe I will try that mapymyrun website..

  2. yeah I like it, you can save your runs so if you do the same route again (like I often do) you don't have to recall from memory where or how far to go

  3. I have 16 mapmyrun routes in a folder in my Bookmarks.

  4. Oh I actually use but close enough.
