Monday, April 27, 2009

James - 4.54


I thought this would be an awful run as I had very little sleep, due to bastard work phoning me at bastard 9 o'clock in the morning (time of sleep, 5am) and asking me to come in. Couldnt get back to sleep (although am about to try and nap) so am fucked for both getting through a day at work and doing a good run. Or so I thought! I may well have been going slow, but I barely felt a pinch of exhaustion even by the end of this, the only noticable thing being my legs feeling stiff as boards. And on top of that, it was raining but not unpleasant.

Near the end a lorry driver honked his horn and pushed his fist up in the air at me (probably because I was wearing this shirt, from the Portland, OR part of the world). Was it solidarity or taking the piss? We'll never know.

What might have also helped the run beside the robotic nature of my limbs was that I was wearing different shoes today. Not new ones, but better quality ones. They are grey and white Nikes with shiny yellow swooshes on the side. My friend Gary gave them to me and they are comfy.


  1. You mean the photo, or the image on the shirt? Hah.

  2. I realise the shirt image can be mistaken for a pair of testicles with a fist, so that would be understandable.

  3. oh i didn't even realize the testicle thing! but totally see it now. haha. that's an interesting image...i was talking about the expression and overall look of the person in the photo. priceless...
