Thursday, April 9, 2009

James - 1.6

This was going to be a longer run. But you can be put off from such adventures, when after 3 minutes or so, you trip, on a downhill slope, and eat a plateful of tarmac, gravel and concrete. FUCK! My knees are sore. I ripped the hell out of my trousers. It looked so bad a motorist even pulled over to check if I was alright (just enough though. No actual lending a hand to help me up). You won't believe it, but at that very moment I was thinking "I wonder if Luke would recommend running along the canal sometimes to practice, since the 10K next month will be on flat, unlike all these roads". Then wham.

I walked for a few minutes, and the pain didn't seem too bad, even though the blood was starting to stain my trousers. So I did a short jog, covered in blood, wearing a filthy shirt, and wondering if it was going to piss down with rain on the clothes I had just put on the washing line at home.

Luckily I had an electrolyte cocktail waiting for me when I got in. You're supposed to poor it into open wounds, right Alison?

0.35 - 3:20
1.25 - 10:45
1.6 - 14:05


  1. Was your shirt filthy before you started running or you mean falling down made it filthy?

    I said no such thing. It's not a panacea like orange juice, you know.

  2. But the vinegar.. it hurt so MUCH!

    It was dirty before I ran. I only run in worn shirts, but this one definitely had some visible wounds. The water-saving God (and not-wanting-to-do-more-washing-than-I-have-to instinct) tell me so.

  3. That's great that you got all bloodied and ran. I bet all the people that saw you were like "Wow that guy's a total badass."

    Trousers is a funny word.

  4. yeh i enjoy reading the posts for the British English snippets as well.

    on an unrelated note, i tried the vinegar juice mix as a topical cure for my frostbite, but it made it worse...
