Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Chris - 5.04

38:21 - 7:36 pace

Felt alright on this run. I'm gunning for 30 miles this week. The only problem is that it's really taking its toll on my energy level. I was reminded earlier today (Thursday) at work how much I really need to get a different fucking job, and I think it might have to come at the expense of a few extra miles. I also need to get myself in bed earlier so I have time in the morning to peruse job postings and send out resumes. This week I've just been so tired every day that I can't seem to get my ass in gear. I'd like to stay between 20-30 miles/week until the race on the 25th, and then see what happens from there. Even if I drop to 15 miles/week sometimes, I'd just run them harder to try and get in a good workout.

1 comment:

  1. Bastards! Would you care to share with us what was done to you at work?
