Wednesday, September 30, 2009

James - 3.1


Practice 5K. Not too bad considering my present ailments, but what do you all think? The race is in 4 days and I am thinking of not running until then as if the rest will be more valuable than a few more miles. Again, sound like a good idea?

Today I ran past (in the opposite direction) a MAN riding a UNICYCLE! It's great getting out and doing stuff and seeing things you'd never normally see.


  1. I was talking to Luke the other day about that, and he basically said everyone is different. Some people need to get lots of rest before a race, and some need to run 100 miles the week before to feel good. Personally I think my legs benefit from a couple days of rest.

  2. Yeh Chris is right. Everyone is different. For me I have found that keeping the same routine as the weeks before the race with perhaps an extra day off or less mileage but the same number of runs works well. Good luck!

  3. I'd recommend running a couple easy miles maybe 2 days before the race, to keep you fresh. Four days seems like a lot of time off; I know I feel terrible on my first run or two after taking more than a day or two off.

  4. luke, have you taken more than two days off in a row in the past 3 years, besides being sick?

  5. Yeah, a couple times...always some excuse that keeps me from running for a week or two, once or twice a year...this year has been a lot better, but I've still missed a few runs here and there.
