Track workout with the Flyers. I did my usual 3 mile tempo with another Flyer, a fellow Michigan fan. We talked about the disaster that was the '09 football season. He actually went to several games in Michigan, suffering the misery of the horrible Michigan fall weather and the pathetic display of football that characterized the second half of the season. How's that for a run-on sentence? Anyway, yeh, I ran the tempo faster than when I did it last and still keep it pretty smooth. Good sign. Afterwards, I wanted to hammer out some 400s. Everyone else had already finished the workout for the day, which was 8X600. I couldn't convince anyone to join me, but a few guys wanted to time me on my 400. They wanted to see what I could run for a 400 and encouraged me quite a bit as I loped around the track. I was shooting for an easy 85 and ended up with a 78, which still felt pretty good. Didn't need to push to get it. After standing around for a few more minutes and doing a few drills, I decided to do one more. The other guys wanted me to run this one faster, so I got out to a quicker start and brought it home in 71. My legs tightened up a bit on this one, but I think that was at least partially because of residual soreness from the leg workout I did a few days back. It's a good sign I can still run a 71 without really getting that winded and not too much tightness. So that's enough of my self-indulgent post. How is everyone else doing? Haven't seen many posts lately. You lot must be enjoying Oregon's Rose Bowl-clinching win immensely. Did anyone go the game? Would love to hear any stories if any did.
21:00 wup (2 miles)
3 mile tempo in 20:12(6:44, 6:47, 6:41)
2x400 (78, 71)
20:32 cd (1.9 miles)