Monday, December 7, 2009

Steve - 5

43:13 (8:39) at 1.0 incline

Haven't run for several days because my legs have been hurting a lot for some reason. After my track workout last week my calves were really tight. Then I noticed my shins were really sore and I decided to shut it down for a while to make sure I wasn't developing a stress fracture. It was so cold that I decided to just run on the treadmill for the first time in a long time. Went pretty well. Legs ache a bit the day after. I ordered some Brooks Adrenaline GTS 9s that should arrive on Tuesday. Maybe my shoes nearing the 500 mile mark are responsible for the pain in my shins. Nike Frees are also at about 200 miles.


  1. Was this run at one foot above sea level or did you mean 1.0 incline?

  2. yeh i dont why i put elevation instead of incline...updated now..
