Thursday, July 4, 2013

Luke - 3.75

3.75mi, 28:56 (7:42)
Today was the Butte to Butte 10k, but I knew if I ran it I would try to race it, and probably injure myself, so instead I made a poster and ran out to a couple places on the course to cheer on "my team"--Thomas made up jerseys that say Team Generics Eugene, and wearing them to a race is a fun team experience.  The poster I made ended up looking really cool!
After cheering people on I did a little bit more running on the roads, and then less than 5 minutes of barefoot running on the grass for the first time this year.


  1. Edited to add a picture of the poster. This is when it was sitting in the back seat of my car; the tape is much more invisible (looks more like the upper left quarter of the picture) in real life.

  2. Nice. What's the genesis of the team name?

  3. That's hilarious. Nice work on the poster!

  4. Haha yeh I like it. If all of us ever run in a race together someday, we should get our SRC jerseys..

  5. I concur! That would be awesomely epic.

  6. I dug these up from old conversations with Luke from 4(!) years ago:

  7. That was 4 years ago? Jeez! Jeeni says she likes the first one and asked if she could have one too...haha.

  8. Haha. I'd be down to get that one too. Preferably a moisture wicking one if possible. Let's wait to hear Luke's big news on Monday before we decide to go forward.

  9. Great job on the poster! I hope it was a satisfying outlet when you really wanted to run. I made a poster to protest the NSA spying a few weeks ago. It is a super-clever play on Obama's re-election slogan (I'm in the 4th picture down):
