Friday, March 30, 2012

Luke - 4.87

4.87mi, 40:00 (8:13)
A sportswear company needed runners to test some shirts, so I got hired to run for forty minutes in an "environmental chamber" at 89º heat and 45% humidity, twice today and once tomorrow. I was expecting it to be really bad, but they had me on a treadmill at 7.3mph on a 2% grade and although it was a bit hot and I got a bit wet, it didn't kill me and was actually kinda fun. It's 50ºs and raining here which made the conditions especially fun. The hardest part was drinking out of a little water bottle at speed without spilling or choking.

On Wednesday I got a bit of a cold, and it got worse on Thursday and I took the day off from work. I was better-enough by today that I could make it through the tests okay, but between the colonoscopy at the beginning of the week and the cold a couple days later my mileage this week is seriously lacking. I'd like to get it somewhat high again soon. The races on my docket include the Eugene Half Marathon April 29th, the Ridgeline Ramble (20k) May 26th, and then I suppose I'd like to do well at Butte To Butte (10k) on the 4th of July before gearing up for a fall marathon.


  1. Pfft, "environmental" chamber.

    Those conditions sounds absolutely horrendous. What did you get for your market researching/testing?

  2. Three hundred bones, a shirt, a pair of shoes, and passes to their employee store if I ever want to get 50-75% off their stuff. The $300 is the only part I really care about though. I'm in it for the money.
