Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Chris - 5.04

44:08 - 8:45 pace

Did this run by myself after work - Jeeni is in Eagle Crest and Colorado this week. The inside of my left knee that I hurt earlier this year playing basketball was re-aggravated during the marathon, and has been hurting when I walk. Luckily its not so bad that I can't run. About halfway through the loop my left hip started to get sore again - another "injury" sustained during the marathon. My hamstring was feeling better during this run though, so that's a plus! Time to go ice my knee and play some Call of Duty...


  1. In unrelated news, I finally ordered 'Would It Kill You?' and I'm pretty excited about it.


  2. When are you going to delight us with the marathon recap?...the non-running some running readership is highly interested..

  3. I'll try to post it tomorrow night. I'm just not exactly excited to recap it since I did so much worse than I was hoping I would...

  4. "the post-Drive Thru Records version of Hellogoodbye proves to be much more substantial."

    That sounds good to me. So what do you think of the album? If it has arrived yet that is. I peeked at that authors Face to Face review too and wanted to listen to some pop-punk.

  5. It is my new favorite record...I think. I think it is now #1 but I feel like I should give it a few more months before I officially label it as such.

  6. That sounds like an excellent record-geek rule of thumb.

    Got a link where we can hear one of the songs?

  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHEx9ofx7Qk

  8. I don't think I'm ready to crown it as my new favorite record, but I like it so far!

  9. Nice number! Alison agrees. I liked the hair theme.
