Monday, November 8, 2010

Chris - 3.47

28:01 - 8:04 pace

I just finished watching Maurice Lucas' memorial service, which was streaming live from the Memorial Coliseum today. His son David and nephew Damian played basketball at Tigard High when I was there. He's definitely a strong public figure in the Portland area that will be missed. RIP Enforcer! Here's a cool little article from Bill Walton, remembering Lucas.

I started this run out slow to help get my knee/shin warmed up, and it seemed to work. I still had a slight hitch in my step it felt like, but not especially from limping in pain, so that's good! Props to Zack for putting in some major PR mileage last week!

splits: 14:24 - 13:36

1 comment:

  1. Looks like they didn't save the vid of the service - oh well.
