Sunday, November 7, 2010

Steve - 10

91:30 (9:09)

Met a friend for a run at Griffith Park. Another person was supposed to meet us, but they never showed up. We are starting in a part of the park I'm not familiar with, so it was a bit of adventure. We started with a tough climb up to the Observatory. It's about a mile and half that climbs 600 feet. It's a pretty tough way to start a long run. Once we got through that we headed down towards the other side of the park. We ended up having to run a lot more concrete than I would have preferred. Finally we made it to some dirt trail that I am familiar with. We headed out on that for a few miles before turning and heading all the way back. I mapped it on Gmaps and I got 9.63 miles. I'm sure we ran closer to 10.5 or 11, but I'm putting 10 to just to be safe. I was pretty sore and achy after this run. But I have been feeling good lately with the extra rehab stuff I'm doing for my quads, hips, and knee. Should be able to hit around 25-30 miles this week.

Also did anyone see how Jared the Subway loser did in the New York Marathon? Apparently he ran like 5:13(almost 12 minute mile pace). They were hyping him so much about he was training hard for the marathon. That is a pretty pathetic time (assuming he didn't have any horrific bathroom related setbacks). I like what one guy said in that thread I posted about eating at Quiznos instead of Subway...

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