Thursday, January 19, 2012

Luke - 10.35

10.35mi, 88:42 (8:34)
While at work I made a Master Plan for my evening: right when I got home I would run Fox Hollow plus the extra loop at the top, then when I got home I'd shower and then call DoughCo and I'd have calzones and beer while watching Parks And Recreation and The Office.
The run went pretty danged well compared to the rest of my runs this week. 9:32 up, 8:44 down, and under 8-minute pace on the way back on soggy Rexius. It was a bit darker than when I was on the same trails last week...last week was later, but this week I was inside a cloud.
My brother got me this beer for Christmas (and a couple others but that was the only one left) so I noted the food pairings and made my calzone selection based on that--got a BBQ Steak Zone and a Most Meat Zone. The delivery took way longer than normal but they arrived just in time for the shows to start. I was very happy with how my plan came to fruition.