Sunday, January 8, 2012

Luke - 12

12mi, 82:00 (6:50)
Zack and I drove up to the house of our running friends Josh and Renee, and seven of us drove down to Cottage Grove lake for a long run. The plan was for two laps around the lake for a total of 17.2 miles. We started pretty quick and I hung back a little instead of diving right in to sub-7 pace, but caught up to the group after about a mile. We were doing 6:50s and I was struggling to keep up...I just didn't feel very fast. I was hoping to feel better on the second half or at least be able power through, but when we started the second lap the group picked it up even more and I just wasn't able. The group was getting farther away from me and I couldn't make up ground, so when Renee turned around a little after a mile and a half into the second loop, I joined her. We went a little slower, but it was still sub-7 pace...just not the 6:30s the group was doing. Zack ended up doing the whole 17 miles, at about 6:45 pace! Great run for him.
After the run we drove back to Josh and Renee's and I sat in the hot tub for a bit and then we ate french toast, waffles, pancakes, sausages, and juice for breakfast.

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