Friday, February 10, 2012

Steve - 4.96

43:39 (8:48)

I started Linear Algebra yesterday. It's a 3 hour class in freaking East L.A. every Thursday. It's a hellish commute for me. So running on that day is gonna be tough. I gotta run Fridays instead. Basically just got this run to build mileage. Professor seems like less of a douche than the one from Santa Monica I tried to add last semester.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds harsh. After I injured myself I missed 3 math classes, then came in to find that we had a test two days later and I knew none of the material. The day in between was my birthday so when I wasn't staying in a cabin (thanks Alison!) I was working. I don't own the textbook and had no way to get to the library prior. I got an 88 though!
