Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Luke - 6

6mi, 39:50 (6:38)
Worked a half day because my doctor's appointment was today. Headed out to the hospital on the North side of Springfield and got poked for a bit, and had a colonoscopy scheduled for the 26th. More waiting. Anyway, as the lady handed me the card with the appointment reminder on it I went to put it in my back pocket and realized my keys weren't there. I'd locked them in the car...set them down when I was getting all my paperwork ready and stuff, and forgotten to grab them when I left. I didn't want to pay $30 for a taxi so I walked home, about 6 miles. It started to rain about 2/3 of the way there. Picked up the house key and a car key from Zack on campus and sat down for a bit at home before going on my run, to the hospital to get my car. I was in a bad mood and just wanted to get it over with so I did a sort of tempo the whole way, on a lot of sidewalks and waiting at stoplights and stuff.

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