Thursday, July 5, 2012

Luke - 6.25

6.25mi, 54:58 (8:47)
Mile loops of 9:08, 9:07, and 8:59 with Zack, then 8:42 and 8:18 by myself.

Funny story!  Or maybe funny is the wrong word...interesting story?...

So I'd been seeing that chick that I mentioned on here a few times, for maybe 2-3 weeks.  I wasn't crazy about her and she seemed to be getting way into me, and I just wasn't really enjoying it any more, so I decided to break up with her.  So I called her and was like, "I don't think we should see each other any more," and she was upset, of course, but I was calm and nice, and repeated things like "It just didn't work out" and "I'm sorry" and told her it wasn't anything she did, that she was still a great girl and all that.  Lots of repeating of those lines.  I thought I did an okay job but I haven't really had to break up with someone in that way before so I don't really know.  Anyway she was like, "Let me come over and we'll talk," and I said no, I had to get to bed and there wasn't really anything to talk about or any reason for her to come over.  But she was having none of it and kept saying she was going to come over.  I was like, "Don't do that; call your friend once you get off the phone with me."  Again, I repeated this a lot but she kept saying she was going to come over.  I told her I wasn't going to answer the door and that she really shouldn't come over, and she said she was going to come over with a pillow and sleep on my porch and like follow me to work if I didn't talk to her.  I tried to talk her down, but after I got off the phone with her I told Zack what was up and that he didn't need to answer the door if she came by.  I went to bed, and 15-20 minutes later I hear her knocking a bunch and then I hear Zack answer the door and I hear them talk for a while before Zack finally closes the door on her.  A few minutes later she comes and bangs on my window.  I have inside shutters and a blanket over them to keep the sunlight out when I go to bed at 7 or 8, so I can't see her and she can't see me, so I just ignore her and figure she'll get tired and go away.  She keeps banging on the window and wailing at me to come talk to her, and then (drumroll please) the window breaks.  Holy crap she broke my window!  So I silently roll out of bed and go talk to Zack and we decide to call the cops, and they get here surprisingly quickly but are unable to find her even though her car is still out front.  They leave and I go inspect the window and find that she only broke the outside pane of my double-paned window, so it's not like she could have crawled in or something.  Anyway I go to bed, and when I wake up and go to work her car is gone.
Two days later when I got back from my run, Zack told me that she had come by while I was running, and she had apologized to him and said she'd pay for the window.
And then on THIS run, on the last 200m of my last mile loop, she was running with a dog the opposite direction of me, and she realized it was me and I realized it was her, and she laughed (or it could have been a sob, but I think it was a laugh) and I said "Hi" awkwardly and then didn't turn back.
The End!


  1. jesus what's going on in this blog since i have been gone???

  2. Holy crap. Good idea to break it off with that chick. She sounds all sorts of crazy. I thought you had mentioned a girl on the blog but I didn't know you were dating her. Way to keep your cool after she broke the window!

  3. Luke seriously dude. Why did this gave to happen to you? AACK.

  4. If I had to describe Luke, the guy who is such a catch that he stirs these kinds of emotions, in one word, it would be:

