Saturday, July 14, 2012

Luke - 6.5

BAC 5k, 15:55 (27th place)

Felt weird the first mile.  Was shooting for 4:55 or so, and was pretty much right where I wanted to be (4:57), but didn't feel good about it at all.  Normally the first mile of a 5k I feel bouncy; this felt hard and, like I said, weird.  Last two miles I was just trying to keep moving, trying to make myself hurt, but I just really didn't have anything.  Came through the second mile in 5:11.  There was a guy in front of me who I know is not nearly as fast as me, so I made sure to pass him.  My split for the last 1.1 was 5:47, so about 5:16 pace. I didn't have a kick; I felt like I was giving it all I had the last mile or two.  I had a goal of beating this guy Jeff who had beaten me at Butte To Butte, and I actually did beat him by one place.  Of the four Eugene guys who are right near each other (me, Jeff, Josh, and Brad), we came through in the exact opposite order as we did at Butte To Butte.  Of the eight Eugene people at the race I knew, half had a great race and half of us had a bad one.  Zack was on my side...I was 12 seconds slower than last year and 17 seconds behind my PR, he was 7 seconds slower than last year and 23 seconds behind his PR.

Really the last three weeks have been pretty low on mileage, and I haven't done many workouts this...year.  I was hoping I could fake it and still PR or be close, but it just wasn't happening.  Anyway, I start marathon-specific training tomorrow, so I'm glad to be back on a plan.  I do so much better when I have a plan.

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