Sunday, February 24, 2013

Luke - 15.9

15.9mi, 1:57:14 (7:22)
Met up with four others for a long run.  Started by heading up Amazon to Rexius, and ended up doing the Rexius loop twice because two of the guys wanted to stay on the flats.  On the second loop they turned back around and the three of us headed up Fox Hollow and then up towards the butte.  Turned around at "the T" as I called it when I did my month of buttes, and headed back the same way.  One of the guys peeled off at Fox Hollow so it was just me and one other heading down Fox Hollow and back on Rexius, to Amazon, and then I headed home for the last k by myself.
Really good long run for me, most of the guys were faster than me so I definitely went faster than if I'd gone alone.  Had two chocolate milkshakes when I got home.

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