Sunday, May 5, 2013

Chris & Jeeni - 3.12

9:36 pace

Woke up this morning and went to go run before we ate breakfast. It was about 68 when we left. It has been awhile since either of us have run this far, and there wasn't much shade along the road. When we got back Jeeni was overheating a little bit and felt nauseous, but after a little water and a cold rag on the neck started feeling better. I have officially been assigned the most difficult legs on our Hood to Coast team this year, so I really need to get my ass in gear and start training and running on a regular basis again!


  1. Thank you sir! You guys should be seeing a lot more of us now. I think I'm going to do Hal Higdon's half marathon training to gear up for H2C...either the novice 2 or the intermediate one.

  2. I heard Luke Vaughn's half marathon training plan is superior.
