Sunday, May 26, 2013

Steve - 2.5

2x500 and 5x200.

Odd workout but that's what we did. I warmed up about 800 meters and then did drills and a few strides and stuff. So I was sort of treating the first 500 as a warmup. 500 is such a hard distance to run. Only one other guy ran the first 500 and he's much faster. I was 10 meters behind after 100 meters and I wasn't exactly jogging. I didn't look at my watch until 400 and it went by in about 73. Final 100 sucked and the total time was 93. Full recovery then another dreadful 500 in almost the same time. One guy was calling out times for this one and I was at about 51 at 300, which is relatively quick. In fact, quite close to the pace I hope to run on Thursday night for my 800 meter midnight challenge on my arbitrarily round number birthday of significance. Ended up slowing down the final 200 and finished in 93.8.

After a decent recovery, I banged out the 200s in 31.9, 32.5, 33.6, 32.6, 33.6. About 1:40 between each. I wonder if Luke is quietly complaining to himself that I should be just be only using whole numbers and ignoring the fractions of seconds.

So I realized recently that my surgically repaired foot will probably always be fucked up. The bone underneath my toe is tender to the touch at certain angles. Does anyone who has had a broken bone still have pain in that bone? I have only broken one bone before so I don't know. Anyway I probably land on my foot differently which causes I guess for my right calf to be really tight which screws up the rest of that leg. Whatevs.


  1. I am 7 months into living with my broken elbow, and it hadn't given me much trouble until last week when I could barely lift a water glass without a dull pain. Alison thought it might be due to stormy weather but even the cold in England didn't make it hurt. Good luck finding the best way to deal way to deal with your repaired foot. We're all there.

  2. Maybe it's immune to pain in your motherland.
