Monday, June 22, 2009

Chris - Facts 101

I feel like I should post since I haven't in so long, but I'm still feeling woozy from one of my best friend's bachelor party Saturday night so I'll settle for doing a Facts 101 post I guess. I've lived in Oregon my whole life. Grew up in Tigard and went to the University of Oregon for college. I met Luke freshman year when he came to visit a mutual friend of ours named Nick. However he didn't get me into running until the summer I graduated. Let's see....I enjoy reading a good fiction novel (Lord of The Rings is always a good one; I'm reading some Star Wars ones right now) and playing my PS3. I like camping, beer, cigars, scotch, getting new shoes, attending kickass concerts with Luke, and playing ping pong and pool. I'm pretty sports oriented - I like playing basketball, baseball, golf, mountain biking, running obviously, and I played soccer when I was younger too. I seriously dislike the job I have right now, and am trying to land something in marketing since that's what my degree is in. I can't think of anything else, so there ya go!

1 comment:


    Thanks for doing a post, it will inspire me. I've been meaning to do mine for weeks.

    An hour ago or so I was telling Alison where some friends of mine live - a place called Oswestry. It's just on the English side of the England/Wales border. She said it sounded not real and like a place from Lord of the Rings. As an authority, would you agree?
