Monday, June 8, 2009

Luke - 6.5

6.5mi, 45:04 (6:56) I was planning on going about twice this far, but a couple miles into the run I got passed by a professional runner who I follow on Twitter because I am a nerd like that. I wanted to see how fast she was going, so I picked it up from ~7:20 pace to 6:00 pace and ran a few meters behind her for a little less than a mile, and then she picked it up to about 5:30 pace so I decided to slow back down so I could finish 10-14 miles. About a half mile later I passed her as she was walking, but I never really felt great and my stomach was starting to hurt a bit so I decided to just do the 6.5 and save my longer run for tomorrow.
5 miles into the run I had to wait at a light for at least a full minute (the one busy street I have to cross the whole run), and once I'd crossed I saw the runner from before coming up on me again. She wasn't going too much faster than me, so when she caught me she said hello. I had seen her Twitter earlier in the day saying she was scared to run with the pollen being so bad, so I asked if the pollen was treating her okay. She said, "Oh man, it's awful! Is it bothering you too?" and I was like "No, I follow you on Twitter and saw you had mentioned it." For some reason, at the time, I didn't think this was a weird thing to say, but I was telling my roommate and his girlfriend about it and they were laughing and stuff, and I sorta realized later it's a pretty ridiculous thing to say. Anyway, she didn't think it was weird either and just talked about the pollen for a bit, and then we talked about running for a mile or so, at which point she split off. I found out it's a lot easier to run sub-6 pace when you're running with someone. It's been a while since I've run with anyone fast (except for during a race).


  1. That's pretty cool you chatted with her a bit. Wha's her name? I don't think it's that weird that you said that. It's not like you said "I was looking in your bedroom window last night and saw you writing in your diary about the pollen". I would think she thought it was neat to meet someone who actually follows her Twitter stuff. I know I would if I had one.

  2. After your Twitter comment, I'm surprised she didn't go with the Roger Federer reaction when the crazed fan tried to put the hat on him in the French Open Finals.

    Is the pollen really that bad in Eugene?

  3. It was Lauren Fleshman, she won a bunch of NCAA titles with Stanford 4-5 years ago.

    The pollen doesn't affect me at all, but for some people it can be bad.

  4. I didn't see that Steve, how did he react? Also I have to say, pollen never bothered me until I lived in Eugene. I guess it's fairly notorious for having higher than normal pollen counts.

  5. I just looked her up, she's crazy good! Here's a link to a bunch of info on her in case any of you are interested and don't already know who she is.


    Check it out. Pretty funny stuff.

  7. Haha that was awesome! The best part is the flying tackle the security guy gives him after he jumped the net. I'm surprised Federer was so calm about the guy getting up in his space.

  8. I wondered if Alisons comment would be on this post when I read the email. It was. But yes ask her out.

    The pollen bothers me here but not so much when I'm running. It gives me another reason to shower after a run though (I don't shower after every run, although I do always wash).
