Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Steve - 7

7 miles in 59:50 (8:32). Done mostly on the streets near my house. I found some industrial area where I can run on dirt/sand along the road for awhile. That was for about 2 miles or so of the total. Felt pretty good after taking the day off yesterday. Body certainly feels different doing a run after a day of "work" than last week in Eugene when I was just hanging out playing ping pong and beating Super Mario Brothers(4 times) with Luke. Speedwork tomorrow. Looking forward to it.


  1. You mean the NES original?!

    And what do you mean by "work", hmm?

  2. Yes, the NES original. Although we pronounce it "En-Ee-Ess", not "Nezz".

    And by "work" he means sit at a desk for 8 hours not actually doing work.

  3. Fantastic all round. I didn't know you had a working Nezz, unless I forgot.

  4. yeh he has the toploader model. it has a pretty high success rate for actually working. the old model requires too much work to get games to work.
